Halloween was a lot of fun this year. Mason is starting to grasp holiday festivities which makes things so much more interesting. Our festivities included making a Spooky House, carving pumpkins, a party with cousins, and with friends (thanks Erin and Tommy for another great Halloween party!). This year Kurt and I sported the Snuggie - yes that is right we were Snuggie models. Mason was a football player and my little Sadie bug was the cutest lady bug ever... seriously, look at the pictures.
The other significant highlight of October was a swollen gland in Mason's neck. We first noticed the "lump" the first of October. We immediately got him in to our doctor and antibiotics were started. The lump did go down, but not away. After a few weeks of watching it, a CT was ordered. We headed to Primary Children's and Mason was sedated for the procedure. In order to sedate him, they had to go through a vein on his hand. There was a lot of drama and trauma to get that in. And, there was a lot of crying for "choc -ca -ca- ca melk" since he couldn't eat or drink anything. When it came time for the scan, at first they were telling us that they would use some drug (ask Kurt if you want specifics) that would just calm him down and that stronger medication was only needed for "high anxiety" kids. Well if you know Mason, the first drug didn't even make a dent. We needed the hard stuff and then he just went limp in Kurt's arms. The worst part of the entire day was waiting for the results. I am not the type of person who gets worked up or worried about things when there is nothing to worry about. But, as the day went on I kept getting more and more anxious about the results. Luckily, the blood work didn't indicate that the lump was cancerous. We started another round of antibiotics and we will see where we go from there. I am almost certain though that we will have to do more than just another round of antibiotics because we are almost done with our dosage and the lump is still there. The CT also showed that Mason's tonsils and adenoids are HUGE. We have an appointment with an ENT this week to talk about removing those. I think once those are removed, a lot of his other problems with pronunciation, drooling, drinking out of a straw etc. will be solved. More to come on this topic.