Here goes:
The most amazing thing happened yesterday and I'm still a bit in shock. A new shoppingmall opened yesterday extremely close to where I live. It takes 6 minutes from door to door. In that mall they also have a bowlingalley and a movie. The opening of the mall was at 10am, but the inaugurating (is that how it's called? It's a new word for me) of the movies was at 8pm. Being movielovers me and my sweetie went to see the event. While standing there, waiting for it all to begin, two gentelmen approach us and say that they've heard that we go to the movies a lot. They are wondering if my fiancée would like to help with the inauguration!!! But of course, who would say no? I ask them why they approached us and how they know we go to the movies a lot and they say that one of the workers from the cinema in town suggested they should pick us because she has seen us a lot through the years and know we go a lot. I was amazed that anyone would notice, lol. I thought I was invisible. Anyhee, they wanted a guy for a change since they have always chosen girls before and Bengt get chosen! Woohooo!
So he goes up there, answers some questions about how often we go to the movies and then he gets to cut the ribbon with a Swedish actress. I was so proud! The funny thing is that when I went to see the opening of the mall I brought the camera, but when we went the second time I forgot it at home. While walking to the mall I remembered I had forgotten it and I thought to myself: I bet Bengt is going to get the honors and I won't have the camera with me! Am I psychic or what!?
And now for the amazing part: he won a year's worth of movietickets!!! 52 giftcoupons to any movie, any time, anywhere valid until march next year! I'm soooo happy because we usually try to go mon-thur because the tickets are cheaper then. Now we can go saturday nights if we want to and it won't cost us a dime! There are also new 3-D movies and they are more expensive than the normal ones. The coupons are valid for those too. YEY!!! Talk about winning the big lottery! I can't wait to start using them. I'm planning to take him out for a dinner and a movie tomorrow. It's been so long since we did that. (Eh...I think we did something similar on my b-day, but it doesn't count since we celebrated my b-day it wasn't a date, lol)
So here's how many 52 tickets are. I wrapped him in them when we got home. He's also holding a huuuge "movieticket" that we're going to put up in our little moviecorner.
Oh, and one more thing about that movietheatre: they said they had started planning for it 10 years ago - the same time Bengt and I got together. And there we were yesterday 10 years later together in the totally new poetic :)
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