Showing posts with label shabby chic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shabby chic. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Pastel card

A big Hello everyone!!

its been so long since my last post. In December i was not well and decided to take a break but it took longer than excepted to get back to work.The main reason is i was contemplating for quiet some time about what to do next as i was quiet bored about what i do now.Its been 4 years since i took up mixed media and international design teams so i decided its time for a change.Last year has been a confusing one and i was in the middle of this transition.I kind of have an idea in my mind but couldn't bring it to life,so as the first step i decided to step down from most of the design teams and take up only very few this year.Being in designs team has lots of positives and negatives too,first thing was i feel quiet restricted as i was not able to experiment much(as i usually do) because i want to deliver my best for them and its best to play safe and do what you are good at.The other things are deadlines,last min projects and working with not so favorite products sometimes.So lets see how this year goes,like always i am grateful for all your support and hope you stick around with my new journey too.

So here i am sharing my first project made for "P13 paper products" ,the only new team i took up this year.Its a polish brand and they have absolutely gorgeous papers and coordinating products.Check out their website and blog HERE .

See ya all again soon.

Thank you for stopping by.
Happy crafting,

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Winter card with Maja designs

Hello folks,

I made a winter card with Maja designs newly released " Holidays in the alps" collection.This is my Guest designer project for "Freetany" flowers" .You must have noticed that i use their flowers a lot lately in my cards,they are so beautiful and comes in lovely colors.You can check their range of flowers HERE.

Thank you for stopping by.
Happy crafting,

Monday, November 4, 2019

Its a Beautiful day - Explosion box

Hi Friends,

Sharing a explosion box made with "Dress my craft"  Pink smoke collection

Thank you for stopping by.
Happy crafting,

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Romantic roses - Shabby chic mini album - Maja designs

Hello everyone,

What can be more romantic than pink and roses right? i made a super soft shabby chic style album fully in pink shades. I took all the beautiful pink papers from various collections of "Maja designs" and made this album measuring 5 by 7 inches,though it looks tiny with lots of flaps and pockets it can hold upto 45 pictures.The cover is fully loaded with beautiful laces and flowers,i totally loved making it and love how it turned out,you can soon buy this album in my SHOP.

Thank you for stopping by.
Happy crafting,

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Graphic 45 - Princess card

 Hello Everyone,

today i have a sweet shabby chic card to share using Grpahic 45 "Princess" collection.This collection has such beautiful tones of peach and creme and amazing graphics as usual.I am just hoping to make an album with it soon.My new found color crush is peach,i think its one of the sweetest colors. I have also used some fussy cut flowers from my favorite "Glided lily" for layering.The flowers are from prima and chipboard from Scrapiniec

Graphic 45 products sued:

Princess ephemera cards

Thank you for stopping by.
Happy crafting,

Friday, June 14, 2019

Love in bloom : Card set

Hello everyone,

I am super excited to share my guest design project made for "Piatek Trzynastego"blog.I made a card and box set using gorgeous "Love in bloom" collection.

You can buy this beautiful set in my WEBSITE
Thank you for stopping by.
Happy crafting,

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Boxed mini album

Hello friends,

so i have another happy news.Two months ago i joined the guest designer team of "Piatek Trzynastego".I know the name is too hard to spell,haha.Its another polish brand which produce most beautiful Paper collections and coordinating products.I received a beautiful DT pack recently and made this mini album with "Love in bloom" collection.Its just my type,so shabby and full of flowers,absolutely loved working with these papers,such great quality and designs.Soon i will be sharing my guest Dt project made for them,stay tuned.

P.S : I have made tihs album for my website,you can buy it from HERE.

Thank you for stopping by. Happy crafting,

Monday, May 6, 2019

Pink or Mint?

 Hello my friends,

sorry for the long absence again, my new WEBSITE is keeping me quiet busy . Anyway before i share my project today,i want to share a super happy news.If you have read my previous post you must have known that i applied to "Graphic 45 brand ambassador audition" and guess what?i got selected :))).I cannot believe it myself,i always wanted to try it but every year i keep saying myself,i am not ready yet so will try next year. Even this year i thought the same,but something pushed me to try in the last minute and i am so glad i tried.As everyone ,i was intimidated by graphic45 papers initially  as they are so amazingly detailed and colorful.It was so hard to bring myself to cut them up first,so i keep buying and hoarding them.Only recently i got confident to use them and now i am super excited to be a part of such an amazing team.I guess my biggest crafty dream came true.

Some of your dreams are so deep that even you dont know it exist,though i love G45 and always wanted to be a part of it,i kept telling myself it was not for me.But some how your heart knows your desires and bring it to you even if you resist it sometimes .It happened to me so many times,so always listen to heart and go for it even if your brain says otherwise.So enough of my rambling ,here are the couple of cards i made for "Lemoncraft" for april.I love making cards and i feel Lemoncraft papers are the best when it comes to card making,love the vintage sheet comes with every collection,they are so helpful to create the most beautiful floral arrangement.You can find all the details and material list in "Lemoncraft blog"

Hope you liked the cards,and yes you can buy them HERE if you want to.

Thank you for stopping by. Happy crafting,