Hi all,
in these 6 months of blogging i have seen many blogs,made many friends in blogging.
There are so many wonder full blogs,each one of them is special in their own way.Happy to see many Indian blogs too,our ladies are really talented:)).Three things that make a blogger happy is getting more comments,more followers and more hits,isn't it?So thougth of sharing those blogs(my favourite blogs) with you all.So every friday i am going to write about a blog,so keep checking.
When i thougth this idea,the first person who came to my mind is nithya.A wonder full blogger friend of mine,that too from my place(chennai).She has a wonder full blog for crafts.She specialize in paper craft, especially origami.I love here photography any the way presents her post,she is very good in writing.Have a look at her blog here.
If you have a blog and you want me to write about it here,feel free to mail me:kavi_kalalayaa@yahoo.co.in