Good Morning
I just wanted to pop in and say Hi to U'll, you will never believe it but I have been working on a book that I'm covering.
OK, it is taking me a lot longer to put it together than normally, I really
wanted to do the distress look here is the machine that I really, really want.
Oh yes that baby will be mine real soon! LOL LOL
Anyway, I thought I would try to see if my Hubie had something in that garage that I could use. I looked every where for his grinder (think God that I didn't find it) I might of put myself in the hospital trying to use that thing? So I looked for his razor and I used his side-beard cutter to work the edges. It worked kinda but not quite what I wanted! Now I have not told my Hubie that I used his razor for my book covers and I'm not to sure I should.
I'm not going to be able to work on my book to much this weekend because we are going camping. However I will get a pick of what I have so far later today for you to see what I have come up with so far.
I have to go to work at the school for the next two days so no craft time there :( So as you can tell it just takes me a long time to get things done these days♥
I will post the pic so check back later for a peek.
Huge Luv's and God Bless to You
I just wanted to pop in and say Hi to U'll, you will never believe it but I have been working on a book that I'm covering.
OK, it is taking me a lot longer to put it together than normally, I really
wanted to do the distress look here is the machine that I really, really want.
Oh yes that baby will be mine real soon! LOL LOL
Anyway, I thought I would try to see if my Hubie had something in that garage that I could use. I looked every where for his grinder (think God that I didn't find it) I might of put myself in the hospital trying to use that thing? So I looked for his razor and I used his side-beard cutter to work the edges. It worked kinda but not quite what I wanted! Now I have not told my Hubie that I used his razor for my book covers and I'm not to sure I should.
I'm not going to be able to work on my book to much this weekend because we are going camping. However I will get a pick of what I have so far later today for you to see what I have come up with so far.
I have to go to work at the school for the next two days so no craft time there :( So as you can tell it just takes me a long time to get things done these days♥
I will post the pic so check back later for a peek.
Huge Luv's and God Bless to You