I visited the local, quite large annual Craft Fair yesterday. There was plenty to see and to buy, but I managed not to buy too much, I had a tight budget :-) Among the large crowd there were also some familiar faces, it was nice to meet friends there, even briefly! Next year again...
Tässä ostokseni, suurin osa Violariumin kojulta. Ostokseni ylittivät 50 euroa, joten sain kankaita ja lankaa sisältävän paketin kaupanpäällisiksi (kuvan oikeassa reunassa, lukuunottamata alakulman kankaita, jotka ostin Käsityökorista). Kaulakoru on paikalliselta yrittäjältä ja se piti laittaa heti kaulaan, se on niin ihana :-)
So here's what I bought. The charts and magazines are from Violarium. As my shopping exceeded 50 euroas, I received a package as a thank you (the fabrics and floss on the right side of the photo; except the fabrics at the bottom right corner were from a different booth). The necklace is from a local shop, and I had to wear it right away, it's so pretty :-)
Tuo lehti, Sampler and Antique Needlework, on ihan uusi tuttavuus minulle, kiva tutustua siihen. Tralalan La Parisienne ja Isa Vautierin Kokeshi Petit Fleur saattavat päästä tammikuun hassutusaloituksiksi (tilanne tosin saattaa muuttua kunhan ennätän käydä läpi varastoani, sieltä löytynee paljon sellaista mitä haluaisin aloittaa...)The magazine, Sampler and Antique Needlework, is new to me, it will be nice to read these. La Parisienne of Tralala and Kokeshi Petit Fleur by Isa Vautier might become Crazy January Challenge starts (however, this is subject to change as I still have to go through my stash, so I might still change my mind when I find other designs I want to stitch...)