Thursday, March 20, 2014

Whoops Its been a while

7 weeks to the day since I last blogged


So much has been happening that I don't know what day it is
most of the time.

So here are some snippets of the last 7 weeks
in very random order

my gorgeous dad went to Melbourne and caught
up with my wild child Josh, he is doing okay, very
lonely, but doing ok

my version of the Social Tote, mine doesn't have the gorgeous
little lining due to the fact I may have missed the
cut down the outside instructions

my current project for Lynette, the cat is out of the bag after her
blog post outing me, I stitch Lynette's designs for her to take to
all the big shows and teaching gigs she does around
the world. Very honoured and I still pinch myself
when photos of what I have made pop up in blogland

this is where I am up to with Midnight at the Oasis

I was a pattern tester

this popped up in my emails the other day a write up in the
Australian Operating Room Nurses Journal all
about my mama

I delivered this baby quilt yesterday to the proud Grandma

I've pulled this out to quilt for a friend who has Breast Cancer
and has to have 12 months of Chemo, she isn't a girly girl so
I thought this would be okay for her

(photo taken by Chookyblue at Nundle)

this is 'Waiting for Santa'

(photo by Chookyblue taken at Nundle)

and 'Love Letters'
which was made by me in a bone tiring, nothing else was done 17 days, 
just in time to be quilted and taken to the USA late last year

I am sure there is more but that is all I can think of at the moment.

We are away this weekend for soccer 'yay' 

Its all fun and games here at the moment.