Monday, December 16, 2013

Sew, Sew Busy

I am looking forward to the school year finishing
just to get a break from the frantic end of
year school happenings

Miss Sophie received 3 awards at the last
school assembly.

The Acc Reader Champion award, which was a certificate
and a book (The Diary of Anne frank), she read
2407198 words during the school year, and received a 
certificate for her effort, and she also received a
certificate for completing the Premiers Reading Challenge

Then last Wednesday was Presentation Day,
Sophie received the

Dr Peter Hendy MP Literacy Award 
(a medal and certificate)

Emma received a Quality Achievement award

Imogen also received a 
Quality Achievement award

We are very proud of our girls
this is the photo we MMS to Grandpa

I haven't been doing very much sewing,
but I am doing a Cross Stitch
its been 13 years since my last
foray into the world of Cross Stitch and I am much further 
along with it than this photo shows.

I also made 90 mini christmas puddings
for the girls to take into school for their class

and these balls were part of their teachers gifts
fiddly but oh so sweet

Wednesday is the bigger girls last day EVER of primary 
school, they are having a Leavers Luncheon
then a disco on Wednesday night, both requested
dresses for their disco, so we bought new dresses,
shoes and hair thingies.....

Our son arrives in the early hours of Monday morning
all the Christmas shopping is done (yay)
well except for me :(

and the girls and I are off to Bairnsdale on the 28th
to drop our boy off at the train station and possibly
do some shopping.

I for one will be so happy once 2013 is done and dusted
its been a shit year!

Saturday, December 7, 2013


For the first time in ages I joined in with the FNWF. It was rather productive but due to a cub/scout activity today this is the first chance I have had to blog about it

First up is the beginnings of a '12 days of Christmas' sampler, I'm not in a rush to get it done, as long as finished by Christmas 2014 all will be good

Next I worked on a wagon wheel block, only 2 more to make for this month

Tomorrow I have a feeling I am not going to be able to move without wincing in agony, we rode our bikes about 2 kms, then hiked up giant hills another 2kms, before hiking back down the giant hills and biking back to the cars. My feet are so sore and I have muscles I didn't realise I had 😉 

So I am hoping to get some more wagon wheel blocks made and some more cross stitch done.

Iam off blog hoping to see what everyone else achieved.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Slow Down 2013

I can't believe it is Christmas in 19 days, where has the year gone.

I for one wish 2013 never came.

We have had good times and very sad times.

If 2013 never came my mama would still be with us.

So as the end of the year approaches its time to wind
down the school year.
this week the twosome have had
high school orientation

Next week is the end of year presentations for the girls
each year group has around 4 prizes to hand out,
and school notifies the parents whose children are receiving

Last year Sophie received the Citizenship award for her year
this year, ALL 3 of my girls are receiving awards.
I cannot wait to find out what they have been awarded.

Today Sophie is receiving some library awards!
1 for the most words read this year, well over 3000000
yes, 3 million + words my girl has read.
She is also receiving a year 6 champion something award
so dh and I are off the assembly at noon.

Chookyblues SSCS sleigh has landed

I have opened my ornament

with a gorgeous embroidered angel mouse on the back

and you can just see my christmas day present
peeking out from under the tree 
A HUGE thank you to 
Tonje in Norway and to Chooky and Googy Girl

Yesterday dh and I spent the day Christmas shopping
we are nearly done, just a couple of little things left to 

Our son (24) is joining us this year, if there was one good thing
to come out of losing my mama is my boy now knows how important
family is.

This year for christmas I wanted to get an iPhone 5 on a contract
I mentioned it to dh who said NO WAY, I didn't need 1
ha guess who got a new pink phone yesterday and it was
in fact his idea, to go into Telstra and look.......

Bless him he really needs to learn to say NO and mean it

So if you had my mobile number you will have to email me to 
get my new number!