Remember I cleaned up my trashed sewing room after
we came home from Tasmania, earlier this month?
Well tonight it was round 2 of the clean up.....
fabric, bits of paper all over the floor, I couldn't see my
desk AT ALL nor the cutting table
You see over the last week, I have been busy making
the centre block for my Dancing Grandma's quilt,
needleturn appliquéing the 2nd dolly border
and today I prepped the 2nd inner border....
I just need to stitch down 5 sets of arms and
I can get stitching all those hexagons and flowers
Today would have been the perfect day for that hand stitching
as the weather here has been atrocious, with our area
on a Storm Force wind warning, torrential rain
53mms overnight, and another 23 today, it was
perfect for hunkering down by the fire. Instead I did prep work
and gave my kitchen a good spring clean.
As I can see clearly now the rain has gone
I should be able to get some decent photos of the
centre block.
Otherwise the girlies finish school on Friday
YAY, Em has a 2 day soccer comp coming up
we might even be heading to Canberra for 2 days
so she can attend a Soccer Clinic for 2 days
with some of the Matilda players we haven't made a
definite decision as yet as we just found out
about it tonight.
There is happy mail coming my way too
the quilts that Mum made for the girlies have been
professionally quilted and are on their way home to
us. I can see quite a few nights of sewing binding down
in my future, I can't wait to see what was done to them
especially Em's quilt which was the GIANT QS one I made
for Mum.