Tuesday, September 24, 2013

They're Here

Mum's final quilts that is

but I haven't been able to open them, once I got them home
from the post office the tears started flowing,
so I have put the boxes on top of the quilting frame
and there they will sit until I can open them.

Then it dawned on my WHY I couldn't open them
its 4 weeks since Mum left us today.

and I really miss her.

I'll open those boxes soon, I'm sure

Monday, September 23, 2013

Congratulations To

Carol from The Patch Craft

My small child picked number 26.

Thank you to everyone who answered my question
and picked a number

Carol please email me your postal address
and your new pins will be on the way

Thursday, September 19, 2013

I wonder

am I crazy for thinking that my mama sent me a little
sign from above to let me know she is 
still with me??

my mama's family nickname was 'Ting'
it came about when her brother started to talk
and he couldn't say Christina, so he called
her Ting, it stuck and everyone
called her Ting

My little quilting sign broke while I was tidying up my
sewing room the other night. It broke into 3 pieces

Qu, il & Ting

I like to think it is a sign from her, crazy I know
but makes me smile. 

I talked to my dad this afternoon, and shared some
potentially exciting news and his reply was
'that's good isn't it'

mum would have been as excited as I am 
and would have wanted to know everything.

I will share as soon as it becomes much more
than a very good possibility.

and I am very excited. 


I miss her so very much

Don't forget about my little giveaway
you can find it

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Giveaway, Photos and a Question

As promised here is the centre block of 
Dancing Grandma's

does it need the berries on all four big leaf thingies

my amazingly clean and sorted out cutting table

I tidied up my little magnet boards

even the computer desk was tackled 
(just don't open the drawers, hehehe)

beside my chair was tackled too

alas there was a tragedy, my little Quilting sign
took a tumble and broke, luckily I have a rather
handy husband who WILL FIX IT TODAY

onto the Giveaway,

I use Clover Glass Head pins, I ONLY use these pins, 

this morning I found some Clover Flower Head pins, brand new
never touched a piece of fabric or anyones hand
so I have 2 little boxes of these to give away

all you need to do to have these pins is pick a number between
1 and 50, and on Monday I will ask a small
child (lucky I have 1 of those) to pick a winning number.

and the Question

are you a quilting brand snob like me? I love clover products
I use their glass head pins, their appliqué pins, their blue
wash away pens, I use their needles for hand sewing,
I have 2 of their mini irons......

I use Olfa cutting mats, cutters and blades

My reasoning is that you get what you pay for, I like
my tools to last, whether that be cutters, mats, pins
& markers, 

What is your Go To quilting brand and why??

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Making Progress and Mess

Remember I cleaned up my trashed sewing room after
we came home from Tasmania, earlier this month?

Well tonight it was round 2 of the clean up.....
fabric, bits of paper all over the floor, I couldn't see my
desk AT ALL nor the cutting table

You see over the last week, I have been busy making
the centre block for my Dancing Grandma's quilt,
needleturn appliquéing the 2nd dolly border
and today I prepped the 2nd inner border....

I just need to stitch down 5 sets of arms and
I can get stitching all those hexagons and flowers 

Today would have been the perfect day for that hand stitching
as the weather here has been atrocious, with our area
on a Storm Force wind warning, torrential rain
53mms overnight, and another 23 today, it was
perfect for hunkering down by the fire. Instead I did prep work
and gave my kitchen a good spring clean.

As I can see clearly now the rain has gone
I should be able to get some decent photos of the
centre block. 

Otherwise the girlies finish school on Friday
YAY, Em has a 2 day soccer comp coming up
we might even be heading to Canberra for 2 days
so she can attend a Soccer Clinic for 2 days
with some of the Matilda players we haven't made a 
definite decision as yet as we just found out
about it tonight.

There is happy mail coming my way too

the quilts that Mum made for the girlies have been
professionally quilted and are on their way home to
us. I can see quite a few nights of sewing binding down
in my future, I can't wait to see what was done to them
especially Em's quilt which was the GIANT QS one I made
for Mum.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Centre Block thoughts please

So I thought I should find a suitable replacement 
centre block design for Dancing Grandma's

this is what the finished quilt will almost look like,
this is the orginal quilt, not the re worked one by Kim McLean

this is the centre of the quilt in the book, which I hate

(A) I could use this, 1 in each corner of the background block

or (B) I could enlarge this for the centre

my main issue is the centre square is 25 x 25 inches
so its a biggie, and I could find any Baltimore patterns that
I liked free online.

So what do you thin A or B or do you have a link to C

2 Done, 6 To Go

Borders that is.

After my last post, I pulled out the border I was working on
to see where I was up to. dh came home for lunch and
commented that I hadn't been doing any sewing 
at all, and that worried him. After he left I sat down
and thought I would just stitch 1 hexagon down,
well that 1 hexagon lead to another, and another, then
once all of them were sewn on, I did the circles, then
yesterday I stitched on the 4 big hexagons

then it was a complete border

Last night I basted all the hexagons for the next border
so today I will sit and stitch some of them together
and tonight I will start on the next dolly border

and my little wall of inspiration signs in the kitchen

I bought the Free and a Bird sign in Tasmania, it 
just spoke to me, and the Friday afternoon before 
mum passed away I was in the next biggish town for
Soph's violin lesson and in the reject shop, Miss I found
the lemons sign. It was $5 well spent. I will add to my wall
as I find appropriate signs. They make me smile everyday

So I am thinking my Sew-Jo has come home, yay

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I've Lost my 'Sewjo'

I haven't touched a needle or thread for a week,

I had my sewing machine serviced last month
and it hasn't even been uncovered from when dh
picked it up.

I HAVE re arranged some bedrooms though

Dancing Grandma's, 7 hexagons left to stitch on
to have one side of this quilt complete

the bunkers have moved to the other end of the house
made more sense to have all the kids at one end,
and the grown ups at the other end

so now we are in the bunkers old room, its not as big as the
room we were in, but we fit and I just need to re arrange the
wardrobe and fold my clothes and all will be good

and the view from my bed, its rather lovely waking up to sunshine
on my face and to the amazing view we have

If anyone finds my sewjo can you please give it a good smack
and send it home to me.

I thought I would make something I don't have to really concentrate on, on the sewing 
machine today, but now I can't decide what to make.

I might just visit the supermarket for tonights dinner, then catch up on
the recorded shows I have waiting.