Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Revisiting an Old Friend

Waaaaaay back in February 2012 I found
a quilt along that I knew was just right for me.

It was a
New York Beauty quilt along
and in keeping with my usual practice

I jumped in feet first, printed off all the templates & got sewing,
then we moved house and all the blocks I had
made got put into a tub until after we had moved.....

Fast forward to May 2013 (today) I pulled out
those blocks I had made, re printed the templates
got the fabrics out and again jumped in 

as off 10 minutes ago here is my progress

but before I could get sewing the NYB I had to get some
Bee Blocks out of the way

and I got some happy mail delivered too

this luscious book arrived today

a big thank you to Sharon, who told me where she had
bought her's as I could only find it at
Amazon or Fishpond, and I prefer to spend my $$
in oz if possible

and this baby arrived on Monday

I bought this one direct from Sarah Fielke 

So thats been my day in a nutshell, I am off to make
a coffee and have a look at my luscious new book :)


  1. Your New York Beauty blocks look lovely. I dived head first into that one and then turned my first 4 blocks into a cushion and stopped! Enjoy your new books. Both are lovely. hugs

  2. Wow your blocks are gorgeous. Have a great time reading your new books. Hugs....
