Friday, May 24, 2013

I Survived

the week. Yay me :)

the husband is currently living it up in a swanky
hotel before flying home first thing tomorrow.

and what a week we have had

Thursday night was the busiest  

Imogen had cubs 4 - 5:30pm
Emma had soccer training 4:30- 6  8pm
Sophie had scouts 5:30 - 7:30pm

I went to collect Emma from training only to leave
her there for the Far South Coast Representative Soccer
Teams tryouts, and, fingers crossed

she is in. 

The coach was thrilled with her performance at
training, said to expect alot of emails to be coming through
and that he would see her next week at training!

Unfortunately we will miss training next week
as Miss Em will be doing Cross Country in Nowra,

which tonight is where my baby girl is on her very first
Cub Camp, she was so excited this afternoon when she was
picked up, and I was a little bit sad.

Sophie has a scout camp tomorrow, she and her friend
will be dropped off after the airport run at 8am.....
(8am so early for a Saturday)

Sunday we have soccer at 9am which means we need to leave by 7:45
collect Soph and her friend from camp then drop them off at camp again

its been a week of Golf lessons, soccer training,
grocery shopping, washing, housework, a dr's visit 
and early mornings...

and I am tired.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Do you keep ALL your scraps of
fabric?? You see I don't keep them
I throw them out because I KNOW that
I won't use them. The only scraps that I do
keep are those that are at least 4" square.

I am asking because I went to my monthly sewing group 
yesterday and took some NYB blocks to work on
foundation piecing does waste alot of fabric,
but to me those off cuts are not worth keeping,
and I cut my fabric for foundation piecing so there isn't
alot of waste.

Well one of the ladies wanted my scraps which I 
happily gave her, but really how can see use
a scrap of fabric that isn't even 1 inch ....

to me that is just weird, she said she will bring
something in made of scraps to our next
meeting so I guess I will find out then!

Am I the only non scrap keeper out there???

Speaking of my NYB, I haven't had the time to actually 
sit and sew for any real length of time, as this week


I am a solo parent! 

and I don't like it

The husband is in Victoria for the week on a course 
for work, and my lovely daughters have decided 
that this week all niceness has gone out the window 
and they have been shockers.....and it's only day 2

but we are very organised, dinner, dishes and showers
are done before 7pm, lunches are pre packed and on the bench
each night  except for their sandwiches & yogurt 

So that makes me think my lovely husband is the leader
of the chaos that happens each morning while we try to
get breakfast, lunches & chores done...

But I do miss him, its very quiet once the kids are in
bed and its just Henrycat and I left up, so we (henry and I)  have been in
bed watching tv by 9:30.

will be back in a couple of says with the NYB
blocks I am working on :)

and please tell me whether you are a scrap hoarder of not

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Revisiting an Old Friend

Waaaaaay back in February 2012 I found
a quilt along that I knew was just right for me.

It was a
New York Beauty quilt along
and in keeping with my usual practice

I jumped in feet first, printed off all the templates & got sewing,
then we moved house and all the blocks I had
made got put into a tub until after we had moved.....

Fast forward to May 2013 (today) I pulled out
those blocks I had made, re printed the templates
got the fabrics out and again jumped in 

as off 10 minutes ago here is my progress

but before I could get sewing the NYB I had to get some
Bee Blocks out of the way

and I got some happy mail delivered too

this luscious book arrived today

a big thank you to Sharon, who told me where she had
bought her's as I could only find it at
Amazon or Fishpond, and I prefer to spend my $$
in oz if possible

and this baby arrived on Monday

I bought this one direct from Sarah Fielke 

So thats been my day in a nutshell, I am off to make
a coffee and have a look at my luscious new book :)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

OPAM Finish ~ Sew, Laugh, Love

Its finally finished.

I bought this as a kit way over 12 months ago, I started stitching
it when we were living in the old house, we have been in this house 
over 12 months now.

I found the half finished stitchery a couple of weeks ago but had
no idea where the pattern and the lovely Cosmo threads
were, as soon as I located the pattern and threads I 
was determined to finish it and

ta da I have, 

I absolutely LOVE it.

Soon it will have a friend as I just have a border to satin stitch
on Vintage Broderi and it too will be finished.

I think I will hang them above my bed.

I had a lovely mothers day, bacon and eggs for breakfast,
'Downtown Abbey' season 3 & 'Offspring' season 3
were my gifts along with 2 cookbooks and a wooden spoon
from Emma, a key chain and pen from Imogen and 
Body Lotion and a facecloth from Sophie 
(mothers day stall at school)

We had a yummy feast of Chinese for dinner too.

Last Friday Em was representing her school in the PSSA 
Far South Coast District Zone Cross Counrty, she had to place
in the 1st five to go onto the next round in Nowra, 
we are heading to Nowra on the 29/5 as she came in 5th.

In Nowra she has to place in the first 6 to be able to race in 

I will be taking my stitching to do in the car, as we have a 5hr trip there
on Thursday and another 5hr trip home on Friday.

Luckily I have found some MUST VISIT patchwork shops
to call into after the race.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mini Mushy

To go in my little houses quilt (when the blocks come back) I thought that maybe some mini mushrooms would fit in also

Can you guess what I have made today

Yep a mini mushroom its foundation pieced with the tiniest pieces of fabric but how cute is it

I placed it next to my canon lens cap so you can see just how little it really is

Finished size is 3"x3"

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Finished Village

My village of house is complete.

I can't wait to get the other 17 houses back

That's been my day in a nutshell :)

Would anyone be interested in a house block swap??

Monday, May 6, 2013

I've been Building

I am in a little house block swap and time is ticking by 
to get my little blocks made and in the mail
so today I finally got my foundation pattern copied
selected fabrics, stitched a trial block,
made some adjustments and swapped some
fabric and when I was finally happy

I got sewing, so far I have 'built'
9 of the 18 I need to 'build'

and I LOVE them

I can't wait to see the other ladies
blocks when they are sorted and
sent home to me.

The weather last weekend was bitterly cold
the girlies and I watched Wuthering Heights on Foxtel, 
then 'The Hobbit' on Saturday 
which lead us to watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy,
(1 on Saturday, 2 & half of 3 on Sunday)
while we watched I stitched away on my 
Sew Laugh Love and yay its almost done, just a few
satin stitches to do and then some 'border' stitching, I
only have the satin stitch border to do on 
Vintage Broderi too
its been perfect weather for stitching by the fire.

Tomorrow I will get the rest of my houses 'built' before
soccer training after school
Wednesday is the return of Miss Imogens golf lessons
Thursday we have softball, cubs, scouts & soccer training
Friday I am taking Em and her friend to another town
for the district cross country race.

Hopefully in amongst all that running around
I will get to do some other sewing, I have a 
some Bee Blocks that I need to get made this week

I hope your week is a good one

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Friday Night with Friends

Last night I joined in with Cheryll for FNWF & I actually achieved something, yay

I choose to work on 'Vintage Broderi' by Rosalie Quinlan and I am thrilled that its almost done, it's been buried in my WISP basket untouched for over 12 months also in that basket is a gorgeous Leanne Beasley stitchery 'See, Laugh, Love' which is another almost finished project. I think I need to work on my WISP basket over winter & see if I can get some control over it.

It's a cold blustery day here with gale force winds, choppy seas perfect for sitting inside by the fire stitching the day away watching DVDs, The Hobbit is the first dvd on our list

Have a fabulous weekend :)