Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gunna Goanna

Thanks to Telstra I am back with lots to share

I bought home a quilt to make for mum,
as she can't do hand sewing anymore, with
lots of needleturn appliqué and hand piecing.

Saturday I thought that maybe I should 
pull out my finger and start getting the appliqué 

Mum had started 2 blocks already, a flower
on 1 and the stem on the other, so I 
spent Saturday night and Sunday night
finishing them off

this is the block I am currently working on, and
I am also prepping for the next block

My Lancaster BOM is up to date, this is what it looked
like on Saturday afternoon

and by Sunday afternoon it looked like this

and our unwanted visitor, meet Gunna Goanna
he was chased around the house by the 
naughty puppy and cornered in a rabbit proofed
garden,so the only way was up

he was HUGE, and Imogen and I spent a lot of
time at the sunroom window watching him

eventually he turned a corner and discovered
Henrycat sitting in the window

after eyeing each other off Gunna got bored
and climbed down off the house  and went up the 
Norfolk Pine to hide in the branches and by 
7pm he had climbed out
of the tree and made his escape.

Bye Gunna, don't rush back.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Lots to share

But we are having Internet issues due to a fault on our phone line, so until that is sorted you will have to wait to see what I have been sewing and I will introduce you all to today's 'visitor' who I might add wasn't really that welcome

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Lancaster BOM

I am slowly but surely keeping up with this BOM

and here is my progress so far.

month 1 & 2

I have one corner of clamshells to appliqué 

here is month 3's progress

and this is what I am currently sewing another row 
of diamonds and triangles

and I must thank Sharon who has given me lots of assistance
with this pesky BOM, I must say this is not one of the designers
easiest to follow patterns....

I have been battling a nasty headache for the last 2 days,
so there really hasn't been very much hand sewing going on, but my headache 
is finally starting to ease up so I will be back to stitching in front
of the tv tonight.


my SSCS recipient will be able to stalk her postman
as my gifts are going postal in the morning all the
way to .......................................

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Mail

I LOVE going to the Post Office and
finding happy mail instead of 

Today I was lucky enough to find 2 parcels.

In the first parcel was month 4 of the 
Lancaster BOM

and the 2nd was from

12" mini Christmas swap

and look at this delicious 12" mini quilt
I received

Sharon also included some Christmas buttons, some
gorgeous Thread Worx cotton and a candy cane
which I will share with the girlies

and here it is hanging in its new home, my sewing room

I have put the final touches onto my 
SSCS recipients gift tonight, I just need to
snap a photo of it and the ornament I made
and send to Chookyblue then it will be

I  have about 2 hours of handwork to finish the final gift for my partner in the
Yahoo group I belong to, and then a couple of things to go
in Mrs Martins Christmas Angel Swap

I also put the finishing touch onto the 12"mini I made for
????????????????? its going postal tomorrow

and as soon as I know she has received it I will share a photo
of it with you all.

Otherwise there isn't much happening here at all
Mum has an appointment with her Haematologist tomorrow
to discuss treatment for  her lymphoma, 

my inlaws are arriving next week for I have no idea
how long (somebody save me please)

and  then we are on the countdown to school holidays
and Christmas

Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's goodish news

Mums oncologist was stunned that he was wrong, she has secondary lymphoma, it's treatable.

I am a very very happy girl tonight.

Keeping Busy

Its 'D Day' today, Mums results of her
fine needle biopsy are being delivered at

I am very very nervous today

So I have been keeping myself busy sewing

I have finished my 12" mini swap

I have done some work on
(In RANDOM photo order) 

my C.R.A.F.T swap
and my SSCS with Chookyblue
my Mrs Martins Angel Swap

My Lancaster BOM, still working on Month 2,
month 3 is here waiting

and my shopping, well the shopping I could find
from my trip home

This gorgeous book from
'The Needlewoman'
in Hobart

and the Batiks for dh NYB quilt
'The PatchWorks' in Hobart

I think I just need to find another stitchery book
and you will have seen my shopping.

I need to buy some wadding desperately, I have used ALL
my scraps, so I will be heading to Merimbula 
tomorrow so I can fix that issue.


 for the first time EVER, I have not finished my SKoW quilt
before the cut off, I just need to quilt it, but have had
far to much on my mind to even consider getting it done.
Its on my list of things to finish over the school holidays.

Is it 3:30 yet???

Monday, November 5, 2012

I Love

living where I do.

Here is the reason why.

7:15 this morning I looked out the window to see
a mama humpback whale giving her baby
fin slapping lessons.

I really do live in paradise :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Home again

I arrived home on Friday afternoon to 
my girlies and dh waiting at the airport
for me :)

Its soooo nice being home again, although I'm not to 
sure how long I will be here for.

We had 'the chat' tonight after the girlies skyped mum and dad
my big girlies cried, which broke my heart and my
littlest just had lots of questions one being about the 
funeral, we told them that when it was time for Grandma
to be buried, we've decided that they won't be attending
just daddy and i would go, which then made her ask
who would look after them, we told them that when it
was happening we would decide and let them know.
That it was ok to be sad and to cry, and if they were
really sad to let us know. Dh even teared up during
'the chat'

 In the morning I will go and see their
teachers and let them know the situation in case there are
issues at school.

I spent the bulk of my time with my sister, was easier
all round. Mum is so very frail, sleeps 20 hours a day,
so skinny and can't walk further than 50 metres
without needing to stop. She isn't cooking or doing
anything that she would do when she's well & it broke my
heart to see her like that.

I went to Hobart with mum and dad for her PET scan,
dad took me to The Quilted Crow, The Patch Work(s),
Frangipani Fabrics and a few antique shops
all I bought was 5 fat quarters of Batik Fabrics for dh
New York Beauty quilt, a pair of scissors and a
Naive Christmas Book, oh I did buy a gorgeous book
on Folk Applique from the Needlewoman too.

It was the Eden Whale Festival yesterday, my quilting group
had a quilt hanging, I took all my mini quilts up for display
and was asked buy the local shop which sells arts and crafts 
from the area if I would make some for them to sell, I had to say no
as now isn't the best time for it to happen, and I am 
struggling keeping up with the Christmas Swaps I am in.........

I haven't stitched a thing for 2 weeks, I took it with me
but it didn't see the light of day once.

Henrycat isn't talking to me at all, he has taken to sleeping on
the top bunk and the one time he did come and lie beside me
he attacked me & I pushed him off the bed in disgust 
 he isn't a happy cat at all.

We are also home phone-less thanks to an issue at the
exchange, should be working again by Wednesday.....
Thanks Telstra.

As soon as my shopping arrives in the mail, yes, I posted 2 bags home
and was still 2.1 kgs over the bag limit with virgin, 5.1kgs with rex
I will share the dismal amount of shopping I did.

Friday, November 2, 2012

On my way home

To my babies, hubby & Henrycat. Can't wait to see them and have some cuddles, but not looking forward to having 'the chat'.

We have to do it because no one else will, just wish I didn't. Picked up some books from the cancer council to help us have 'the chat' it's hard enough for me to get my head around it, who knows how the girlies will react, but their teachers will be informed as soon as the kids know just in case they have meltdowns at school and we have great friends around us

I am having good days and sad days today was a good day until I spoke to dh, he always makes me cry, but in Melbourne airport it really isn't a good look, no doubt when I see him this afternoon the tears will flow again

thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your comments and prayers, they meant the world to me xxx