Friday, November 4, 2011

Its been a great day

I got to sleep in until 8am

the house was quiet at 8:40am

it took me 1.5 hours to get a quilt onto the quilty beast

then I needed to have coffee, so I did with dh at our

favourite cafe.

then it was home to have some fun

Now I am not likely to ever be an expert quilter

but I am getting better each time I play so today I was

brave and had a go at quilting on an actual quilt

and by the bottom of the quilt I had a good rhythm going :)

Look ma I can stipple :)

I think its quite strange that I couldn't for the life of me stipple before I got the
frame, no matter how much I tried I just couldn't do it, now each time I do it
I improve, guess its true practice makes perfect :)

Khris thanks for the link to the pies and tarts quilting suggestion
I love it and I am seriously considering doing mine just like it. Might
need some circle work practise first lol.

Have a great weekend, I will be starting my MIL's xmas present
and hopefully my SKoW blocks oh and sewing on/down the binding
on the new couch quilt :)


  1. NO worries :)
    I love your stippling and its such a gorgeous quilt

  2. cruising on the machine now..........way to go.........

  3. it is a gorgeous quilt and your quilting is great! Well done girl!

  4. Another LOVE...:O)
    Wow .. you really have sewn havent you...pheew.. wish I had your speed..:O))
