Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Park Avenue

is the name of the UFO I am now trying
to finish, using delious Park Avenue by
3 Sisters for Moda.

It has been in this state for MONTHS.....

This is what I have to deal with

and what it should look like when finished

I now have 43 Civil War blocks done

so that means I have until Saturday to get the remaining 5 blocks done.

Very do-able I think

Tonight I am going to start block 6 of

In My Garden, Love making this quilt

and only 3 blocks to go after #6 is finished :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

On my Must do list

A couple of weeks ago I ordered myself a
just released at Houston book

all because of this quilt, I love it,
its high on my list of must make quilts

meanwhile I finished Block 5, except for the

'rails n nails' and some diamonds on the left

and I have some applique to do for my Civil War Quilts

they are on tonights stitching list in front of the tv

you never know I might even get to start block 6

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Civil War quilt blocks are
now completed

Yesterday the weather man was spot on

we got 57 mm's of rain in just under 24 hours

perfect stitching weather

the girlies watched movies

I got to sew ALL DAY

sorry about the 2 photos but this is what my design wall
looks like at the moment and blogger won't post them
side by side for me :(

I need to change the 2nd row # 6 block
the background needs to blend in a
bit more, atm it sticks out.

Today was a gorgeous if not windy day
I weeded a garden bed today and we now have a
small vege patch with

2 x chillies
2 x capsicum
snow peas
bok choy

and then in another bed we have 4 different varities
of tomatoes.

I have also finished block 5 of
In My Garden

I am just adding the fence 'rails and nails'
the palings are all done and so is the gate

Friday night I stitched all the embroidery on the other 4
blocks, and added the needleturn bits that hadn't been done

dh printed some patterns for me at work yesterday
I also found the pattern online for a quilt I started at the begining
of the year, using yummy Park Avenue fabric, the original pattern went awol
in the move so I printed it
off and tomorrow will pull out all my bits and see where I am
up to, after the house gets a good clean between the rain, the dog
and the kids its much needed :)

Friday, November 25, 2011

It's Catch Up time

for me this weekend

its supposed to be wet and miserable so
that means it PERFECT sewing weather

and what am I catching up on

my Civil War Quilts quilt

I have 23 of the blocks sewn, 2 cut out ready
to be sewn and I have just spent the last 2 hours
printing off the remaining 22 blocks that I haven't made

If you would like to make the quilt, Barbara will be leaving all
the blocks and instructions on the CWQ blog until
July 1 2012 then they will be removed.

There are only 6 more blocks to be posted

So I have better get sewing .

Oooooh I finally finished the house last night
and started on the fence......

only 19 more palings to stitch and the gate......

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Still Building

Block 5, its the biggest one
but the end is in sight, just 5 more flowers and 5 leaves
to applique on.

then I have a fence to build......

I went to Bega this morning, and picked up some
backing for my pies and tarts

and some black background fabric and fat 1/4's for
a new project for the lounge room wall

the reds aren't really that red

New project can be found withing these pages

and at Merimbula I picked up some new clover blue pens,
thread for hand quilting and a new cutter,
a  PINK one :)

and yesterday I managed to get this top together

very easy but very time consuming

and I love it :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

with housework and In My Garden

today I managed to clean the house and sew blocks 3 & 4 together

Block 4

Block 3

and all together

I even got time to stitch more of these together

the final row just needs to be sewn into the blocks

thats tomorrows job then I guess I will have to
sort them out and start sewing rows together.

I am still stitching block 5, I got the house finished at
quilting group yesterday, now I just have 2 giant trees
and the tree flowers and leaves and it will be done.

Its been a productive day for me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Friday Night Sew In Progress

I know its Sunday night and I am
only just doing my FNSI post,
but better late than never


I worked on block 4 of In My Garden

I know there are 3 flowers missing but I can't stitch them
on until the blocks are pieced

I got my flower pots, potted

and the ladybirds I did Thursday night
they are very cute and will be even cuter
when I embroider their legs.

Our weekend consisted of going to the beach yesterday it was warm
enough even for me to get in too.

Today it was overcast and wet, so dh went diving
the girlies played nicely (for once) and watched
the last Harry Potter movie

I got blocks 5 & 6 ready for stitching
caught up on my shows that I had recorded
and watched

Oranges and Sunshine.

Tonight I have been building a house (block 5)

Tomorrow is quilting group, so I will get to stitch the day
away with other likeminded ladies, even if I am the
baby of the group, its a great day out and
the ladies have lots of knowledge to share :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

I *heart* needleturn applique & FNSI

really I do, its my new favourite

the more I do to better I am getting

Block 3 of In My Garden

I have 2 squares to applique on, then I need to add legs, beaks,
tree trunks and they are done.

Yesterday I managed to finish watching Greys Anatomy
season 7 and trace out Block 4's pieces.

I got the ladybirds and 1 flowerpot stitched
last night after I finished off the pear tree and the
diamond blocks

Block 5 is traced and ready to go, it was sitting in
block 2's spot in the folder, it wasn't until I saw the
'Congratulations you are halfway' comment
that I realised I had gotten
very ahead of myself and then went to find block 2

Tonight is the monthly online

go add the link to your blog and join in

no surprises what I will be working on which is

 In My Garden

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some Days

You just shouldn't bother picking up your
rotary cutter, due to constant stuff ups....

That was my morning.

I decided I needed to sew the In My Garden blocks I had
appliqued into their blocks

it took me awhile and I had to use some of my
finishing kit fabrics, but I got there in the end

Block 1

Block 2

and both of them together

I just need to do a little bit of embroidery, things like
antenna's on the butterflies and snails and it will be done

I started stitching Block 3 yesterday, only 3 more to do
and block 3 will be complete too.

I am loving this quilt :)

Monday, November 14, 2011

In My Garden

I thought it was time to start working on
this BOM I collected over the past 11 months
lots of little pieces to needleturn, and I am
loving it. I also found my missing block 5
it was in block 2's pocket of the folder I keep them all in
Block 2 was in the tin with block 1 lol

My needleturn has improved so much over the last 12
months, I think its my new love.

and if I don't start a new night time stitching project
 my SKoW quilt will be finished, quilted and bound
by January

Block 1

there is another little block to add, I just need to applique 3 teeny
circles on, these have been finished for soooooo long

Block 2

the orchard

butterflies, the sun and ????

I still have dragonflies and snails to do then its onto block 3

and SKoW My Favourite Things progress

Packed my suitcase I am ready

chocolates anyone......

so that was my weekends stitching.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some Kind of Wonderful Update

I am making steady progress
with my SKoW quilt.

and a sneaky peak at my SSCS pressie

thats it, that all I can show you

I am off to get my suitcase ready!

no I'm not going anywhere 

it's the suitcase for my SKoW quilt lol

Monday, November 7, 2011

A lovely Weekend

We have had a lovely weekend, productive for me, but lovely none the less
I have finished the quilting on the couch quilt, sewn the binding on and
half of it down, I cut 288 2" squares for my MIL's Christmas present

Yesterday is was a glorious 27degress, so we were at the beach by
9:30 dh went for a dive the girlie's played in the water
and I sat an read my book, we were there until 11 and look
what dh caught, we had fresh fish for tea last night yummo

I sorted through my fabrics for my SKoW quilt and
this is what I came up with I need a couple of browns though
so I will get them out of my repro stash

and the background fabrics

my 1st block

tonight I will do another block in front of the tv :)

I also got the last tart stitched down, I just need to get some backing fabric
and quilt it, but if I am going to quilt it how I want I either need some
serious circle work practise on the quilty beast or quilt it by hand
very undecided on which way to go.

I hope you all had a wonderfully warm
and productive weekend too