Friday, February 19, 2010


We are in, surrounded by many many unpacked boxes, but the beds are made the girlies rooms are unpacked except for boxes of clothing.

the sewing room is a walk in nightmare, there are sooooooo many boxes to be unpacked so I have shut the door and I'm attemping to forget about it until next week.

We have milk in the fridge and that is it lol, we don't even have a loaf of bread, but we are going out for dinner and uckily Coles is across the road so I'll get a few essentials after dinner.

2 more big sleeps until my kitties are home, I have missed my boys so much.

The house should be unpacked 100% by Sunday night at the latest.

I am exhausted

I have so much to catch up on in blogland but it won't be tonight that I catch up.

Woo hoo we are home in our house yippee

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