Monday, February 8, 2010

Almost Ours

1 week until we get our house back

1 week 4 days until we get our furniture back and are living in OUR house

can we say excited

girlies start school on Wednesday the littlest girlie isn't very happy about going but she will be FINE

the bigger girlies are having a sleepover tonight so the littlest girlie decided that we needed to go out for dinner, at the pub, so thats what we are doing.

the animals are doing fine, we are off on Saturday for the weekend not sure where we are going but we are going somewhere, its our last chance before DH heads back to the west for 3 months work......

he leaves 3 days after we move in.

Have spent today organising the phone, power, gas and cable tv

busy busy busy


  1. Very exciting for you! Enjoy your weekend away......and getting your house back1
