Thursday, February 25, 2010


I found my missing BOM bit

I unpacked 2 quilt kits onto my sewing table, read the instructions then got side tracked, as you do

I got man land's  new tv

I went to the tip! in MY car, now I know that going to tip really isn't that exciting BUT I went in my car, because we no longer have a 4 wheel drive I refused to take my car there, and what a shock it was because the tip has had a makeover and you no longer have to drive onto the tip face, just to a shed, and the tip man helped me get the dead tv out of the boot phew.

I emptied boxes, did a run to the op shop with some bits, made it home in time to get the girlies from school, then Miss S had violin so we hung at Gumdrops and Frumpas because her violin teacher lives 3 doors up from them, raced home to get dinner on ate, bathed the bodies, and sent them to bed.

Tomorrow we start bringing home all the pots I left with Gumdrops when we went to WA, and some pictures too.

Off to get my hair done tomorrow its been 2+ years since I have had a decent cut so I am looking forward to it.

No plans for the weekend except Miss E has her bestie Miss N coming over on Sunday for a play which is her first one ever, hoping to send the other 2 to Gumdrops while she is here then we off to listen to  music in the park and once I get some housework done Saturday morning I am going to be sewing :)

I think I know where the camera cord is too, oh and I need to go through some boxes (blah) that are hiding under the house because I *think* thats where the 3 magazines I need are......

and the kitties are fabulous settled in and we are having some cat flap training each day, they know how to get out just not how to get back in lol

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Has anyone seen the following

1. The camera cord you know the one that goes from the camera to the computer

2. The 3 Patchwork and Quilting magazines so I can finish the mystery quilt that I am half way through

3. Block 2 of the BOM I am doing through The Fat Quarter Shop, block 3 is on its way from WA and Block 4 arrived yesterday

4. The beast who killed Man Lands big TV lol, thats making me giggle everytime I think about it, I am just glad DH wasn't here when we found out it had died, off to get a replacement tomorrow for Man Land

I am sure there is more I just can't think of them at the moment

The sewing room/Man land is unpacked and sorted, I am just waiting for my brother to arrive with the naughty puppy on the weekend and the last box will be gone, its full of stuff for our camper trailer.

the Beast is plugged in and is working :) not that I can find the magazines I need to get sewing but I have plenty of other sewing to be done.

Tomorrow will be a sewing day that is a promise :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


to sew on the beast again.

Tomorrow I tackle the sewing room, I hve 2 boxes to unpack, and that consists of lifting out the baskets and placing them on the shelves lol. I also have discovered it has become my mum's I didn't know where you wanted it so I put it there room too, so there is a Wii to connect up, a tv to be re tuned (must get the antenna) austar to be connected TOMORROW, the girlie's excess stuff from Mum and dads is also in there.

I did consider doing it this morning at 5am when DH woke me up as he was going, well the door being slammed was what did woke me, but it was cold so I stayed in bed and got  bit more sleep. Then I finished off the sharing girlie's bedroom, unpacked their clothes made their beds again and put on the missing valance and underlay from the biggest girlies bed, sorted toys and got it just right for them to trash when they got home from school

As soon as the stitching room is sorted I am going to start sewing. I have the littlest girlies quilt calling me, I also bought the bits for the middle girlies owly wall hanging oh so much to do so little time.

The boys are home and settled, Henry cried the whole 20 minute drive home, he has crate issues, then once he was home he took off and hid under Miss S's bed and refused to come out until it was dark and he was hungry, Harry wasn't too far from me, he has traffic issues, as he always lived on acreage, he hadn't heard alot of cars drive by but he is used to them now and seems happy. They are allowed outside on the deck but will only go out if I am with them lol. Another couple of weeks inside then they will be allowed out the back,if they can get past the dog lol.

Still looking for the camera cord too.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

2 Hours

until we get the 'boys' home for good.

Harry and Henry have been on an extended break for almost 6 weeks. We have only managed to get out to see them once in that time and Henry thought he was coming home then lol.

I am so excited that they are almost home, in readiness we have put in a cat flap to the laundry, bought them a new water dish, found all their food bowls and before I head off I will put out some biccies for them both and we got a bargin at Kmart yesterday comfy cat beds for $10 each

We are organised except for inside 'Man Land' which is actually my sewing room of a day and the footy room of an evening lol. I need to unpack a few boxes that say 'sewing room' and I'll be good to get sewing. There is one suitcase in the master bedroom and a few boxes in the girlies rooms, otherwise we are sorted.

Yesterday I had the joys of restocking our pantry, wow that was a bit expensive, restocking the freezer and getting a new mop and broom, a scratching post and a new cover for the doggie bed.

We have a mountain of empty boxes out the front and even move empty ones down the back. I'll be glad to see them go, and as DH didn't get to help move in when we 1st bought this house, nor when we went to WA, he has decided that we are NOT moving again in a hurry lol lol lol.

I just need to find the cord for my camera and I'll start sharing some photos of our last 6 weeks.

Friday, February 19, 2010


We are in, surrounded by many many unpacked boxes, but the beds are made the girlies rooms are unpacked except for boxes of clothing.

the sewing room is a walk in nightmare, there are sooooooo many boxes to be unpacked so I have shut the door and I'm attemping to forget about it until next week.

We have milk in the fridge and that is it lol, we don't even have a loaf of bread, but we are going out for dinner and uckily Coles is across the road so I'll get a few essentials after dinner.

2 more big sleeps until my kitties are home, I have missed my boys so much.

The house should be unpacked 100% by Sunday night at the latest.

I am exhausted

I have so much to catch up on in blogland but it won't be tonight that I catch up.

Woo hoo we are home in our house yippee

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tomorrow Tomorrow

we are moving in

The containers are due between 8 and 9am, my car is parked in the bay out the front, our gorgeous neighbour has parked in the next bay so we have somewhere for the truck and trailer to park.

The cleaner has cleaned bless him, the carpet cleaner tried so hard to rid our carpet of its marks but it didn't work, so in the words of our property manager, we will be compensated for the damage done :) in other words the tenant has replace the master bedroom carpet and pay for half the value of the carpet in the other room, he has lost his bond too the painting is finished bar the 2 bathrooms which I will do sometime in the next 3 months.

Harry and Henry are coming home on Sunday and the naughty puppy the following weekend :) :) :)

DH heads off on Tuesday for a 3 month contract. I must say I am looking forward to the break but we will miss him.

The girlies are settled in school, the littlest has 2 besties this week Phoebe and Maggie and she is looking forward to having them over for a play.

So its all go I'll hopefully be back on broadband tomorrow is bogpond flicks the switch as they promised me, we are having phone line issues that need to be sorted out again so who knows.

Will be back with lots of photos very soon.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Never Again

Will I rent out our family home no matter what.

We have a fair bit of work ahead of us to get things right

like re cleaning the entire house, re cleaning all the carpets especially the ones he 'forgot'"to have cleaned and we need to replace our BRAND NEW CARPET upstairs that was pristine when we left as its no longer pristine and has an assortment of stains including red wine all over it.

Not Happy Jan and I let our property manager know how I felt.

Otherwise the garden looks fantastic and has grown soooo much, dad and DH spent today painting and we will be painting until Thursday with a couple of night paints in there too.

Moving back in on friday the broiadband is connected but I need to work out how to change our password and username in the wireless modem/router before I am online.

Locks were changed today too.

Wish us luck I'll take the camera tomorrow....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Almost Ours

1 week until we get our house back

1 week 4 days until we get our furniture back and are living in OUR house

can we say excited

girlies start school on Wednesday the littlest girlie isn't very happy about going but she will be FINE

the bigger girlies are having a sleepover tonight so the littlest girlie decided that we needed to go out for dinner, at the pub, so thats what we are doing.

the animals are doing fine, we are off on Saturday for the weekend not sure where we are going but we are going somewhere, its our last chance before DH heads back to the west for 3 months work......

he leaves 3 days after we move in.

Have spent today organising the phone, power, gas and cable tv

busy busy busy

Monday, February 1, 2010

We are home

well home in Tasmania at least, our return to our own home is delayed until the end of the month :(

our tenants have to be out on the 14th at the latest so we should get the keys back on the 15th, then DH and my daddy get to repaint the inside then we get to move back in so fingers crossed we are living there again by the 22/23 and I can't wait. If the front garden is anything to go by I am not looking forward to seeing the backyard, so last weekend I started buying plants to relace those that have been killed over the last 2 years.

We were very pleased to get off the ship on Thursday, we were one of the last to board so the last to get off, and it took us 1.5 hours to do 3 minutes of driving to the quarantine station so the girlies were very impatient to see us and very hungry too lol we finally made it to mums by 11pm, but it pays to 'know'the right prople as DH is a merchant seaman one of the officers on the Spirit was someone he trained so we were given a cabin for the trip home, which made it all the more nicer.

Since being home I have caught up with the girls and had coffee, we have done the market at Evandale, we went to CIty park on Sunday and listened to a Brass Band, and we have bought a buffet hutch for the end of our kitchen, no more couch there lol.

Tomorrow we are off to see Harry and Henry (I am missing the boys big time)

Wednesday we are off to see our very very naughty puppy who has so far eaten a couch! and likes to swim in my brothers fishpond, the fish apparently aren't to happy lol

Thursday is books and uniforms so the girls are ready for school next week and we are seeing another girlfriend of mine

as for the rest of the week No Idea as yet.

I must say it is fantastic being home its great to be able to see Mum and Dad and our friends and the kids are very very happy. DH is bored though but he has plenty to do once we have the house back.

Will check in again soon, I miss broadband too dial up is way to painful lol

Chat soon