Showing posts with label pies and tarts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pies and tarts. Show all posts

Monday, March 12, 2012

2 OPAM finishes

Yes TWO quilts are finished

that means I have 1 possibly 2 sneaky nights of binding left

and my to do list is done....for now

Now I am no professional quilter, but I will have a bash, on MY quilts
to get the hang of other designs instead of just stippling every quilt I do

In My Garden was my victim,

I love the dodgy design I used on the border

LOVE that design

and hindsight is wonderful I SHOULD have stitched in the ditch
around all the applique blocks BEFORE I quilted it, but that would have left
me with the how do I get it on the frame correctly dilemma, but its finished
its 100% made by me and I love it

and my Pies and Tarts


As soon as the quilt holder uperers are home from school, I will share
full photos, I have to go and see Miss I's teacher today as she is
being bullied and it needs to stop.

She is very sensitive and takes things to heart and I don't need these
2 boys destroying what little self confidence she has in herself

wish me luck....

Friday, March 9, 2012


I cleared off Franks table

Ironed the wadding bond stuff onto my 2 pieces of wadding
love that stuff

made sure the backing fabric I dug out of my stash would suit, ironed
the backing and the P&T top

found some Rasant thread to match the top and the backing

LOVE all the circles on the back of the top

fought for an hour to get it all onto Frank the CORRECT way
took me 2 attempts

and decided just to stipple it, I love to stipple

mid way through quilting

I had it finished in 2 hours, broke 1 needle, used 4 bobbins of thread
and a said a few unladylike words :)

now I am ready to tackle In My Garden, its on Frank ready to go
I am going to use the same thread for quilting I used on the
Pies and Tarts

I can see a big OPAM tally happening, once the P&T and
In My Garden are quilted and bound, I have to stitch the binding
onto Miss Em's quilt, she has been so patient, and I want to suprise her
with it all finished and on her bed so it will be sneaky night time stitching
sessions when she is asleep until its done

fingers crossed its a 3 quilt finish for me :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Frank is getting a workout

Remember my Pies and Tarts??

I have finally decided its time to be quilted,
on Frank the quilty beast as soon as dh comes home for lunch
frank will be taken out of his corner, and the P&T's loaded on

 I thought I would do a small pebble design on it,

(picture from here)

the big question is do I pebble the pies and tarts or just between them......

and this

has started, and I am VERY tempted to join in, I have a fat quarter bundle of
batiks in my sewing room..........

so so tempting

and as soon as the P&T's is finished Frank will be reloaded
with my In the Garden quilt, I finished all the little bits I had missed
last night, the thinking cap is on for a quilting design, I don't want to stipple it, and I don't
want to quilt into the applique blocks, nor do I want to just stitch in the ditch...

suggestions anyone???

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Big Big Weekend

and I was suffering BIG TIME when I woke up this morning.

Yesterday dh and I became godparents to

2 very sweet little people

Miss K and Master A

after the christening we went back to their house for

lunch, drinkies and lots of laughs, dinner, more drinkies
and more laughter

I have no idea what time it was when we finally made it home,

I suffered from the dreaded hangover today

I wanted to make some more hexagons but my head

just wasn't up to the hum of my sewing machine

instead I sat on the couch with my Christmas Fun

buttons, water and panadol and stitched block 2, tomorrow I will sew it

together and that means I am on to block 3

they are so small so stitch up very quickly :)

tomorrow I might sit down and do the last of the
handstitching on In My Garden and get it ready
to start the quilting process, and I need to stitch the binding
onto Miss Em's new quilt which has been waiting to be finished
since July....yep July 2011, you just can't rush these things and Miss
Em will be very impressed to have her new quilt finally on her bed.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A lovely Weekend

We have had a lovely weekend, productive for me, but lovely none the less
I have finished the quilting on the couch quilt, sewn the binding on and
half of it down, I cut 288 2" squares for my MIL's Christmas present

Yesterday is was a glorious 27degress, so we were at the beach by
9:30 dh went for a dive the girlie's played in the water
and I sat an read my book, we were there until 11 and look
what dh caught, we had fresh fish for tea last night yummo

I sorted through my fabrics for my SKoW quilt and
this is what I came up with I need a couple of browns though
so I will get them out of my repro stash

and the background fabrics

my 1st block

tonight I will do another block in front of the tv :)

I also got the last tart stitched down, I just need to get some backing fabric
and quilt it, but if I am going to quilt it how I want I either need some
serious circle work practise on the quilty beast or quilt it by hand
very undecided on which way to go.

I hope you all had a wonderfully warm
and productive weekend too

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Its a Finish

I had some photocopy-ing to do this morning
which took longer than I thought so I didn't get
a chance to play on the quilty beast today


I did make something very cute, and its for ME

Its the sewing case from Anni's gorgeous book

Some Kind of Wonderful

I chose not to do the stitcheries and lordy the lining
drove me bonkers but I persevered and got it done

Pies and Tarts progress

SEVEN ( yes 7) tarts left to stitch down, 5 tarts 1.5 tarts still to make though :(

I love it, I love it


but I don't love it enough to make the full sized quilt :)

any suggestions on quilting it????

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pies Progress

and yes Miss Deb I am still tarting :)

dh talked me into making it 7 x 9

now if I could be bothered I would make the last remaining

33 pies and make the full quilt

but I can't be bothered.

Here are my pies all sewn together

and this is what it will look like with all those pesky
tarts sewn onto it.

We are going to Canberra on Thursday, dh has a
meeting at Parliament House so the girlies and I
are going too

I have my list of quilt shops to visit
my list for bunnings
my list for Big W or Kmart (whichever we find first)

I love my lists and I am adding to them daily

oh and I have my tarts ready
so I can tart my way there and home again.

Its going to be a tart free night tonight
I want to get the binding stitched on and down
on Berries and Bluebirds no pressure at all :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Tarting and a Fix

Its fixed

my email address

that is so email away they shouldn't bounce back now

I hadn't updated my email address since I started blogging oops

Thanks Sarah and Susan for the bouncing comments  otherwise I

would still have no idea what was going on.

I have spent my weekend being a tart lol

I basted with thread and needle

28 tarts so I can finish off my

Pies and Tarts.

I have enough P & T's now to add the other 2 rows

but I am still not sure, I guess I should make up my mind

super fast because I either have 15 tarts to make or 28

and  24 half tarts.....

My quilting frame was picked up on Saturday, today

is being dropped off to the Freight company

can't wait for it to arrive here, so I can have a play

Its going to be a warm one today 27 degrees,

I should be able to get a few tarts out of the way too.

Hope its a productive one where ever you are :)