Monday I ate Malteasers, drank almost cold coffee and read Sundays paper
I worked on some blocks for The Circle Game
I made some templates for more blocks for The Circle Game
I fondled some gorgeous fabrics that came to live with me,
Gardenvale by Jen Kingwell and True Colours by Tula Pink
I worked on another block for The Circle Game
and finished it
On Friday I was given a very quick lesson on hand quilting at my sewing group
and Im still quilting away at night
Saturday and Sunday were spent at a soccer tournament, I was official scorer, so while the games were on I kept on stitching
This really tickled my fancy on Sunday morning as we were headed to soccer at 7:30am
Sunday afternoon saw Henry take up residence on my lap, under my quilt, its rather tricky to hand quilt with a cat on your lap
but I persevered
making good progress, this was Monday
The quilt inspector doing his job
Mondays amazing Sunset, we don't usually see the sunset here at our house
I will be honest I laughed, a lot at this
yesterday I took a trip to Bega for template plastic and some more pearl 8 cotton, the shop had just changed the brand of the pearl cotton they sell and have 3 baskets full of cottons being sold for $2 a ball, I decided to introduce some orange into my quilt, I will be going back to buy all the colours
I have half of the quilt, quilted as of today (Thursday 10/6)
today I cleaned up my sewing room, sorted fabrics and filled a basket of scrap pieces
they are now being cut so I can make scrap vortex quilt