Showing posts with label Scraps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scraps. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Last Week/This Week

Monday I ate Malteasers, drank almost cold coffee and read Sundays paper

I worked on some blocks for The Circle Game

I made some templates for more blocks for The Circle Game

I fondled some gorgeous fabrics that came to live with me, 
Gardenvale by Jen Kingwell and True Colours by Tula Pink

I worked on another block for The Circle Game

and finished it

On Friday I was given a very quick lesson on hand quilting at my sewing group

and Im still quilting away at night

Saturday and Sunday were spent at a soccer tournament, I was official scorer, so while the games were on I kept on stitching

This really tickled my fancy on Sunday morning as we were headed to soccer at 7:30am

Sunday afternoon saw Henry take up residence on my lap, under my quilt, its rather tricky to hand quilt with a cat on your lap

but I persevered

making good progress, this was Monday

The quilt inspector doing his job

Mondays amazing Sunset, we don't usually see the sunset here at our house

I will be honest I laughed, a lot at this

yesterday I took a trip to Bega for template plastic and some more pearl 8 cotton, the shop had just changed the brand of the pearl cotton they sell and have 3 baskets full of cottons being sold for $2 a ball, I decided to introduce some orange into my quilt, I will be going back to buy all the colours

I have half of the quilt, quilted as of today (Thursday 10/6)

today I cleaned up my sewing room, sorted fabrics and filled a basket of scrap pieces 

they are now being cut so I can make scrap vortex quilt

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Do you keep ALL your scraps of
fabric?? You see I don't keep them
I throw them out because I KNOW that
I won't use them. The only scraps that I do
keep are those that are at least 4" square.

I am asking because I went to my monthly sewing group 
yesterday and took some NYB blocks to work on
foundation piecing does waste alot of fabric,
but to me those off cuts are not worth keeping,
and I cut my fabric for foundation piecing so there isn't
alot of waste.

Well one of the ladies wanted my scraps which I 
happily gave her, but really how can see use
a scrap of fabric that isn't even 1 inch ....

to me that is just weird, she said she will bring
something in made of scraps to our next
meeting so I guess I will find out then!

Am I the only non scrap keeper out there???

Speaking of my NYB, I haven't had the time to actually 
sit and sew for any real length of time, as this week


I am a solo parent! 

and I don't like it

The husband is in Victoria for the week on a course 
for work, and my lovely daughters have decided 
that this week all niceness has gone out the window 
and they have been shockers.....and it's only day 2

but we are very organised, dinner, dishes and showers
are done before 7pm, lunches are pre packed and on the bench
each night  except for their sandwiches & yogurt 

So that makes me think my lovely husband is the leader
of the chaos that happens each morning while we try to
get breakfast, lunches & chores done...

But I do miss him, its very quiet once the kids are in
bed and its just Henrycat and I left up, so we (henry and I)  have been in
bed watching tv by 9:30.

will be back in a couple of says with the NYB
blocks I am working on :)

and please tell me whether you are a scrap hoarder of not