Showing posts with label FNSI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FNSI. Show all posts

Saturday, May 19, 2012

FNSI results and another OPAM finish

I managed to get the binding sewn onto my
Bear Paws quilt yesterday after I got Henrycat to
relinquish his sleep spot

Then Henrycat and I watched the tugs 'Bulimba & Warringah' head out
to meet the woodchip ship that Webby was bringing into Port

He blasted the horn and come out onto the Bridge wing to wave

eventually after dinner was cooked and the kitchen cleaned and everyone
was organised for the evening I got time to sit and start to sew down 352 inches of binding

of course with Henrycats assistance

its offical name is

'Summer Stomping Ground' and it was a kit from
the fat quarter shop which I bought late 2010

and ta da, at 1:30am this morning the final stitch was sewn it was a 7 hr
stitching session. I did ask hubby how many nights did he think it would take
he looked at me a said, 'My bet is you will sit and sew until it is done'
he knows me well :)

I love the colours, love that it has such a long drop on each side
its a biggie at 88" square, its very 'ME'

and Henrycat has made it 'his' as you can see by the fur he left behind
after his 10 minute power nap this morning

I now offically have a UFO free sewing room and todays mission
is to find something new to sew.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Kaleidoscope Hexagons

Ta Da, it was really hard to get a fabulous photo
these were the best I could do

I love the shadowed effect I managed to get,
with the sun shining through the branches of
the  huge Norfolk Pine we have growing

love the view over the fence we have, I could sit and stare at
it all day long, watching the fishing boats steam out each evening
and then heading home each afternoon.

and a close up of the finished quilting, not that you can really see it

we had some visitors this afternoon they had a great time on the
bird feeder and fence, the naughty puppy didn't see them or
he would have chased them off. He has a love/hate relationship
with the plovers and currawongs that love our yard and spends
most of his afternoons chasing them out of the yard

My Bear Paws quilt is completely quilted, tomorrow I will make the binding and
sew it on, then start stitching down all 352 inches of it. The finished
size is 88" x 88". I can't wait to have it on my bed.

I have almost finished my Rosalie Quinlan stitchery.
Hope, Love and Friendship
I just have the words and some
french knots to stitch. Its supposed to be put onto a
canvas but I think I will make mine into a quilted wall hanging.

and its Friday night sew in tomorrow, can you guess what I am going to
be working on ;)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Productive FNSI

Yesterday I decided to work on a UFO
that just needed the centre medalion made

So I prepared myself but cutting out the dresdan plates,
cutting the background fabric, making the centre ring
then I started on the paper pieced dresdan flower
by making sure all the petals were basted and
ready to be stitched together

I am thrilled to say I managed to get the bulk of it
stitched down with just the pp outer ring to do

I still have 4 little dresdan flowers to make, leaves to prepare for appliquing
on and 4 stems, I might do them at my monthly sewing day on Monday

I hope your FNSI was as productive as mine :)

Friday, March 16, 2012


Its the Friday Night Sew In tonight so I am working on
getting everything ready to participate.

I am working on a UFO tonight, I just have the centre block to
applique then I can put it together

SO I have cut out 16 desgran plates and the centre circle

then I need to make 4 baby dresdan flowers, stems and leaves

and of course Henrycat had to assist

what the finished quilt will look like

and Henry testing out the centre

he is lucky I love him :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Friday Night Sew In Progress

I know its Sunday night and I am
only just doing my FNSI post,
but better late than never


I worked on block 4 of In My Garden

I know there are 3 flowers missing but I can't stitch them
on until the blocks are pieced

I got my flower pots, potted

and the ladybirds I did Thursday night
they are very cute and will be even cuter
when I embroider their legs.

Our weekend consisted of going to the beach yesterday it was warm
enough even for me to get in too.

Today it was overcast and wet, so dh went diving
the girlies played nicely (for once) and watched
the last Harry Potter movie

I got blocks 5 & 6 ready for stitching
caught up on my shows that I had recorded
and watched

Oranges and Sunshine.

Tonight I have been building a house (block 5)

Tomorrow is quilting group, so I will get to stitch the day
away with other likeminded ladies, even if I am the
baby of the group, its a great day out and
the ladies have lots of knowledge to share :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

I *heart* needleturn applique & FNSI

really I do, its my new favourite

the more I do to better I am getting

Block 3 of In My Garden

I have 2 squares to applique on, then I need to add legs, beaks,
tree trunks and they are done.

Yesterday I managed to finish watching Greys Anatomy
season 7 and trace out Block 4's pieces.

I got the ladybirds and 1 flowerpot stitched
last night after I finished off the pear tree and the
diamond blocks

Block 5 is traced and ready to go, it was sitting in
block 2's spot in the folder, it wasn't until I saw the
'Congratulations you are halfway' comment
that I realised I had gotten
very ahead of myself and then went to find block 2

Tonight is the monthly online

go add the link to your blog and join in

no surprises what I will be working on which is

 In My Garden