Showing posts with label Dancing Grandma's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dancing Grandma's. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013

2 Done, 6 To Go

Borders that is.

After my last post, I pulled out the border I was working on
to see where I was up to. dh came home for lunch and
commented that I hadn't been doing any sewing 
at all, and that worried him. After he left I sat down
and thought I would just stitch 1 hexagon down,
well that 1 hexagon lead to another, and another, then
once all of them were sewn on, I did the circles, then
yesterday I stitched on the 4 big hexagons

then it was a complete border

Last night I basted all the hexagons for the next border
so today I will sit and stitch some of them together
and tonight I will start on the next dolly border

and my little wall of inspiration signs in the kitchen

I bought the Free and a Bird sign in Tasmania, it 
just spoke to me, and the Friday afternoon before 
mum passed away I was in the next biggish town for
Soph's violin lesson and in the reject shop, Miss I found
the lemons sign. It was $5 well spent. I will add to my wall
as I find appropriate signs. They make me smile everyday

So I am thinking my Sew-Jo has come home, yay

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dancing Grandma's Progress

I have been quite productive since arriving
home last week, although I haven't had the urge
to uncover my sewing machine all is not lost
as I have a teeny bit of sewing mojo.

So my progress so far

Dancing Grandma's all in a row (border 1, 3 more to make)

Border 2 (3 more to make)

RHS of border 2, I have to make 3 more
hexagons for this side

LHS of border 2, 3 more hexagons needed here also, my hexagons
are a bit smaller than what the pattern asked for, but I had these on
hand, so apart from the background fabric, it will be a complete 
Stash Buster of a quilt when its done

Tuesday I took on the task of cleaning up my sewing
room, I had left it in such a mess, and it was rather sad to 
see what it looked like when I came home

and the other side

and what's on my design wall,

* the centre block for Aunt Grace's Circle of Friends,

* NYB blocks for my patient dh, almost 18 months to get this far

* centre diamond for my hexie quilt (in a snaplock bag)

* border 1 of Dancing Grandma's 

under the pink pin magnet, is Henrycats sleeping spot, on a 
pile of leftover batting

I have a box of orphan blocks on its way from my dad, inside
are some reproduction fabrics of mum's, hurry up Mr Postman

and speaking of my mama, she is hanging in there, has some depression,
is having major breathing issues, so her dr has banned all visitors and 
she still banned from talking to anyone as it affects her

I am in a good place now I am home, and as awful as it 
sounds, I am just waiting for 'that call', I know that its not going 
to be far off :(