Borders that is.
After my last post, I pulled out the border I was working on
to see where I was up to. dh came home for lunch and
commented that I hadn't been doing any sewing
at all, and that worried him. After he left I sat down
and thought I would just stitch 1 hexagon down,
well that 1 hexagon lead to another, and another, then
once all of them were sewn on, I did the circles, then
yesterday I stitched on the 4 big hexagons
then it was a complete border
Last night I basted all the hexagons for the next border
so today I will sit and stitch some of them together
and tonight I will start on the next dolly border
and my little wall of inspiration signs in the kitchen
I bought the Free and a Bird sign in Tasmania, it
just spoke to me, and the Friday afternoon before
mum passed away I was in the next biggish town for
Soph's violin lesson and in the reject shop, Miss I found
the lemons sign. It was $5 well spent. I will add to my wall
as I find appropriate signs. They make me smile everyday
So I am thinking my Sew-Jo has come home, yay