Showing posts with label something wicked mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label something wicked mystery. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Cross Stitch Update

Finished the second part of this mystery, and decided to put it away until next autumn. I'll stitch a few small things I'm partly finished with, and then I think it may be time for the other Seasonal things (yes, those ones)...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Cross Stitch Update

A little bit of progress this week, down the right hand side.  Slowly but surely!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Cross Stitch Update

Pretty good progress this week  - I've got the left-hand sunflower mostly finished, and have begun the row of flower heads down the right-hand side. Also did the stitching in the blue banner. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Something Wicked

As it's the time of year it is, I thought I should bring out something seasonal to work on - so I grabbed this Hallowe'en mystery from last year, and did some work on it. Doesn't look like much, but I did finish the entire blue banner under the words "Something Wicked". There are a lot of blue stitches in that banner! In time, the banner will have the words "this way comes" stitched on it, but I think I might do that later and finish the rest of the flowers, etc first. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Cross Stitch Update

Good progress on this, this week -nearly done except the border and a few little incidentals inside.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Cross Stitch Update

So, this week I did actually do a reasonable amount of stitching - started another Little Sheep Virtue (this one is Kindness) - no "before" picture because it was just a blank piece of canvas before...  But it shouldn't take long to stitch, as it's quite small. Unless, of course, I get distracted by something else!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Cross-stitch update

More of the Hallowe'en mystery, including the most tedious letter stitching I have ever done - boy am I not cut out for backstitching stuff over one thread on high count linen. Give me some nice counted crosses to do, any day!  I've pretty much decided to leave this now, and work on it next autumn, as it's nearly time to move into seasonal stuff. And I have started something else as well (not feeling like settling into things at the moment, really). I have several bigger cross-stitches to get out for Christmas, including The Christmas Nemesis, plus a much more simple (but fairly big) Christmas piece I partly stitched last year. Also, I have some nice small ornament type pieces (about the amount of stitching of my Sheep Virtues), which I hope to get one or two of done this season. 

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Cross stitch update

Just occurred to me that I no longer had to keep my Hallowe'en stitching a mystery, as all three parts are out.  This is part one. I am partway through part two, and will carry on stitching it, even though Hallowe'en is well gone. I might save part three until next autumn, though, depending on when I want to pull out my other seasonal stitching. You know, all that stuff starting with "C"...   Yes, it did take AGES to stitch that moon. 

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Cross Stitch Update

Lots of variety this week... I started stitching the cross-stitch kit of the little girl which I picked up at the Great Northern Quilt Show - haven't made a huge amount of progress, but in this centre section, there's a lot of counting and changing, so it doesn't go quickly...

When I went to my little quilt group this week, I didn't want to have the effort of something which has to be counted over and over, so I took along the sheep to work on over the course of that evening - the progress is all on the right side of the design.

And finally, I can't really show this piece, so it's only a teaser... I've signed up to the Something Wicked Hallowe'en Mystery from SamSarah designs (via The Patchwork Rabbit). This is, as the title may imply, a Hallowe'en mystery, in three parts. The pattern asks that you not publish pictures on the internet of your stitching until it's finished (the mystery), but I don't think this tiny tease really gives much away... However, I won't be able to show overall progress on this one, which is a little annoying!  But I'm having fun stitching it regardless, and shall show it off as soon as the mystery is concluded, even if my stitching isn't itself concluded!