Showing posts with label giveaways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaways. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pattern Giveaway

Doing some decluttering; here are a few cross-stitch patterns which I no longer need. If interested, leave a comment.

(I only scanned half the pattern, but the whole thing is there - I got this one for free & I like it, but I have two copies...)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Cross stitch giveaway

Having not stitched anything once again, I thought I'd change it up a bit this week by clearing out some patterns and kits which I don't think I'll ever make. Today, three kits (mostly) - this first poppy one is a complete kit, pretty much unopened (might have been opened, but never used).  I stitched an Iris one like this and it was pretty straightforward, but I don't think I'll do this one.

This one I did actually start to stitch, but haven't got very far on. There should be plenty of thread to stitch the whole thing if you want to start from scratch; however, I will include my fabric and stitching start, if you want to take over from where I left off.

This one, again not started. I just don't think my eyes can cope with a big stitchery on black these days. It's a kit, though - should have everything you need to do it.

If interested, leave a comment and I'll send the bits along (drawing names if necessary). Preference given to those in the UK/Europe/or who are willing to reimburse for postage if elsewhere as kits are quite heavy to mail. When I get to the paper patterns in a few weeks' time, I won't mind so much!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Log Cabin Redux

This is a top which I gave away a while back when I was having a clear out. Dolores and her quilting friends enlarged it a little, added some borders and quilted it up; they will now donate it as a fundraiser for the church which one of them attends. Isn't it nice to see things finished and going to good homes!

...and look - they've even given me a credit on the label!

A previous post shows the progress of the top, for those interested...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cross stitch giveaway winners - update

Further to my previous post, I've now posted most of the patterns off - two more UK ones to go in the post today or next week (Julie, I'll give you yours in person next weekend, if we manage to meet up). Three people have not responded with their addresses; I have now left comments on their blogs/messages in their google circles/whatever, so I'm going to give them another week and then open up those patterns to other people who wanted them...  Thanks again everyone for your interest!

Friday, February 06, 2015

Giveaway winners

First of all, I want to say thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a comment - such a big amount of interest in all these patterns - glad to know the patterns will be going off to good homes and hopefully stitched again, fondly...  No obligations, though - once they leave here, what you do with them is up to you!

Here's what I did to determine who got what.  If only one person wanted a pattern, they got it.  I then crossed that person's name off the lists for the other patterns they had expressed interest in. If that resulted in a single interest, that person got the pattern and I then crossed their name off the other lists... etc.  When all those eliminations were done, I used a random number generator (for the Loose Feathers pattern) or a roll of the dice (for smaller numbers of interested parties) to determine who would get the other patterns. If you see your name below, please email me your address (except Lana, whose pattern I've given in person and Julie, who I hope to see later this month). I'll also try to email you if I have your email address/your comment wasn't "no reply" (which a lot of them were), but if we don't manage to get in touch within a couple of weeks, I might pick a second winner instead.  Patterns will be mailed out sometime within a week or so of when I get your address.

Summer Bird: winner is Sarah. I have your email, will email you!

Singin' in the Blues: winner is Julie (I have your address, don't worry).

Love Snowmen: winner is Lana (no need to contact me).

The Rain Fell: winner is Dolores, I have your email, will email you!

A Day at the Beach: winner is Terri Patillo. Terri, if you are there, please email me your address - yours was one of the comments where I couldn't reply.

Singing in the Spring: winner is Kathy H. I've emailed you. 

Starlight Sampler: winner is Mary Crosset. Mary, if you are there, please email me your address - yours was one of the comments where I couldn't reply.

Garden of Snow: winner is Misha. I've emailed you.

Sheep in the Meadow: winner is Lyndsey. I've emailed you.

Winter Wonderland: winner is Anne B. I've emailed you.

Loose Feathers Seasons: winner is RingWraith. RingWraith,  if you are there, please email me your address - yours was one of the comments where I couldn't reply.

Once again, thanks for all the interest, and to those of you whose names didn't get drawn, don't despair - I'll probably have more patterns to give away before too much longer - probably not so many at once next time!

Monday, February 02, 2015

Cross stitch pattern giveaway - update

Many thanks for all the interest in the patterns I've finished with - I've had loads of people respond. I have replied to those I can, but most of the comments I can't reply to as they are set to no-reply. So if you are reading, thanks for the interest. I will leave the draw open a few more days, just to give those who read blogs sporadically (like myself) a chance to take part, and then I will draw lots for the patterns which more than one person is interested in.   If you missed the original post, you can see it here, with details of all the patterns I am getting rid of. Stitched copies of them can of course be seen in this collage, though it doesn't show the colour brilliantly on all of them...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Cross Stitch (Pattern) Giveaway

Having now stitched all of these - and not wanting to stitch them again - I am ready to get rid of the patterns to a good home. Or any kind of home.  I don't need any reimbursement for them, or postage, and most of them are very light - just a few pieces of paper, so I'm happy to send them anywhere in the world (the last one is quite heavy, three small booklets, but it's only one thing, so I'm ok with that going anywhere as well). If you are interested, leave a comment with the name of the pattern(s) you'd like. Will resolve any clashing desires in a democratic way (drawing names or something).  I'll leave it about a week before working out who gets what, but will try to please as many folks as possible.

Flowers. This one is tiny - only 3" square on 14ct Aida  - nice and quick to stitch. (I know it says kit, but I've used the fabric and thread, so it's only a pattern). 

Summer Bird. Another small one, approx 3x5 on 32count. Button not included.

Summer Sampler. 5" square on 28 ct. Button not included.

Singing the Blues. Almost 6" square when stitched on 28ct.  

Snow Love. Approx 3x4 when stitched on 32 ct. Button not included.  TAKEN, sorry - by someone I see in person, so no mailing required!

The Rain Fell. Approx 8x7 on 30 ct fabric.

A Day at the Beach. Approx 12x6 on 28 ct fabric.

Singing in the Spring, Approx 7" square on 28ct fabric.

Starlight Sampler. 114 stitches square. pattern recommends 16ct lambswool Aida, think I stitched it on 32 ct linen. Approx 7 inches square on either of those count fabrics.

Garden of Snow. Approx 10" square on 28ct fabric.

Sheep in the Meadow. approx 12x5 on 28 ct fabric.

Winter Wonderland, approx size on 16/32 count 35cmx15cm. (14.5x6")

This is a set of three books - the main pattern is shown above and comes in three parts, one in each book. This design is approx 15x9 (with all three parts completed). Books also contain a number of other smaller designs including the crow show stitched above in the top picture - I think there are two more in each booklet besides the main one. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Charity Quilt for Marei's Guild, no 2

...and here is the second of the tops which was sent to Marei to finish off and donate to her guild for their charity programs. Both fantastic finishes, hoorah!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Charity Top for Marei's Guild, no 1

A while back, I gave away a load of quilt tops to those interested in doing them up for charity - here's the latest in photos to come back to me - and a photo below of the top with it's backing showing. Great work, Marei - hope the guild appreciates it!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Recognise this?

It started out life a little diffently, but it was one of the tops I passed along to someone else, to use for a charity quilt. In this instance, the lovely Dolores and her group, decided to add to it to make a single bed sized quilt - they have plans for borders already - I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ramona's finish

A while back, I gave a bunch of quilt tops to folks who were interested in finishing them up for charity or other good causes; my blogging friend Ramona took two of them, and has already finished one up!  She's a lot speedier than I would have been...  Be sure to click through to her blog to see details of the great quilting on this one.  I look forward to seeing the second one finished, too.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Free Patterns!

No cross-stitch update today because I only stitched a very tiny bit on it - between binding the baby quilt and being tired, it wasn't going to happen. Perhaps next week...  

Jacobean Pomegranate:  Anyway, this first pattern isn't a cross-stitch pattern, it's a quilt pattern. I bought it as a kit years and years ago, but decided that I'm never going to make it, so I reshopped the fabric into my stash, but the pattern is up for grabs if anyone wants it...

Blue Bird - a cute, very quick one, which only uses 3 thread colours (they are variegated ones, but you could easily adapt)

Kringle's Crow - a quick Christmassy pattern. 

Winter Wonderland - a not very quick Christmassy pattern!

Chickadee - another quite quick one - really sweet.

As usual, leave a comment if you are interested in any of the patterns, and I'll send them out in a week or two.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pile of tops

I was thinking today about the sets of blocks I have (many of which I will try to make into tops over my Easter holidays) and then remembered that I have several stacks of tops already waiting to be given away. This is a stack for general giving away (which I'll do again in a month or so - just did one recently, so I'm not ready to do it again so soon), but there is also another stack waiting for a specific person/organisation. Perhaps I should trawl the web for places that might want unquilted tops - I know there are tons of them in the US, but ideally I'd like some in the UK.  Cheaper postage that way!