Showing posts with label beach huts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beach huts. Show all posts

Monday, September 19, 2011

Beach Huts - done!

Well, not surprisingly, here are the finished beach huts - I actually finished them off last night in front of the telly. I've grabbed a small seasonal (Hallowe'en) piece to do as an alternative piece to the street scene (I'll show it on Wednesday, like a proper cross-stitch update) - it won't take long as it's very small. Who knows, I might even do two of them between now and Hallowe'en. Then I have something in mind for the next thing (still alternating with the street scene, which I imagine will take quite a bit more time).

Once I finish the Hallowe'en stuff, it's time to think about working on that other seasonal project - the Cross-Stitch Nemesis - but I probably won't start that until at least mid-November as I can't really stand to stitch on it too much out of season... This year I might alternate it with another seasonal project I have which I haven't worked on in quite some time.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Beach Hut update

Lots of progress on the beach huts this past week, and I am so close to finishing that it's tempting to keep working on it for another week, but I'm not going to...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If it's Wednesday, it must be cross-stitch...

A fair amount of progress this week - finished part of the structure of the fourth beach hut, as well as quite a bit of sand in front of it. I might even finish this one before it becomes unseasonal...

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Cross-stitch update

Not a huge amount of progress on this this week (due to more game and card-playing in the evening and less sitting in front of the telly), but I did manage to finish the sand under the fourth beach hut and begin the hut itself. It's coming, at least. Hmm, and looking back I realised I've also finished the roof on the far left hut - so I guess that's more progress than I thought!

All the other posts this week, I did before I left for holiday and scheduled them to post on the right day, but the Wednesday update I needed to actually do on Wednesday, since I wouldn't have done the work before that... OK, technically, I didn't update it until Thursday, but Wednesay is always cross-stitch day, or at least that's the habit I've been in recently.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cross stitch Wednesday

Not much done this week - just the doors on the red beach hut. Frankly, given how busy we are this week (and next) it's surprising there's any progress to show at all!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cross-stitch update

Making excellent progress on the Beach Huts - the steps on the middle hut (in this photo - the grey one is actually the middle one of the finished piece) are finished - indeed, almost all of that hut is done except a few small bits. And all the sand to the left hand side of the piece is finished. I also made good progress on the far left hut.

Now, back to the other cross-stitch for next week - who knows if there will be any time for sewing, but maybe I'll be lucky and be able to get at least a little done...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cross stitch Wednesday

Wednesday seems to have become my day for cross-stitch update. Not sure why - perhaps because it's far enough from the weekend that there's not a lot of stuff left to show from then? For whatever reason, that seems to be the way it is. Used to be Monday, now it's Wednesday. Whatever! Anyway, here's the progress on the beach huts - not a huge amount, though you can see I did nearly finish the hut on the left (except some white in the window, which I'd had to unpick for various reasons) and start on the sand around the steps (though not the steps - that area is still blank). Below is where it stood at the end of the last time.

Starting tomorrow (or whenever I next cross-stitch) it's back to the old road scene - I think my plan of alternating is working for the moment as I'm quite eager to get back to that one still! We'll see how long that lasts, though.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Cross stitch Wednesday

Well, here's the update on the cross-stitch for this week - quite a bit has been done since last week - even though it doesn't look like much when you just look at it, compared to before, it's not bad. I've decided on this one to do the backstitching as I go along - for one thing, it will be less boring that way, but for another, the definition will look so much better as things go along. This is what it looked like last week:

Also, because I should work on them as well, and because I know that although it hasn't yet started to bother me, the density and constant changes of colour will begin to drive me bonkers in the houses above, I am going to alternate weeks between it and the Beach Huts, which I was working on last summer, and which I put down to do some seasonal (Hallowe'en) stuff and then never picked back up due to working on winter and Christmas stuff and being generally a bad girl...

Here's where the Beach Huts stand now - you can see the completed picture back here.