First of all, I want to say thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a comment - such a big amount of interest in all these patterns - glad to know the patterns will be going off to good homes and hopefully stitched again, fondly... No obligations, though - once they leave here, what you do with them is up to you!
Here's what I did to determine who got what. If only one person wanted a pattern, they got it. I then crossed that person's name off the lists for the other patterns they had expressed interest in. If that resulted in a single interest, that person got the pattern and I then crossed their name off the other lists... etc. When all those eliminations were done, I used a random number generator (for the Loose Feathers pattern) or a roll of the dice (for smaller numbers of interested parties) to determine who would get the other patterns. If you see your name below, please email me your address (except Lana, whose pattern I've given in person and Julie, who I hope to see later this month). I'll also try to email you if I have your email address/your comment wasn't "no reply" (which a lot of them were), but if we don't manage to get in touch within a couple of weeks, I might pick a second winner instead. Patterns will be mailed out sometime within a week or so of when I get your address.

Summer Bird: winner is Sarah. I have your email, will email you!
Singin' in the Blues: winner is Julie (I have your address, don't worry).
Love Snowmen: winner is Lana (no need to contact me).
The Rain Fell: winner is Dolores, I have your email, will email you!
A Day at the Beach: winner is Terri Patillo. Terri, if you are there, please email me your address - yours was one of the comments where I couldn't reply.
Singing in the Spring: winner is Kathy H. I've emailed you.
Starlight Sampler: winner is Mary Crosset. Mary, if you are there, please email me your address - yours was one of the comments where I couldn't reply.
Garden of Snow: winner is Misha. I've emailed you.
Sheep in the Meadow: winner is Lyndsey. I've emailed you.
Winter Wonderland: winner is Anne B. I've emailed you.
Loose Feathers Seasons: winner is RingWraith. RingWraith, if you are there, please email me your address - yours was one of the comments where I couldn't reply.
Once again, thanks for all the interest, and to those of you whose names didn't get drawn, don't despair - I'll probably have more patterns to give away before too much longer - probably not so many at once next time!