Today, I made a big bag. This is intended as a workshop bag (though obviously, it could be used any time you needed a big bag) - it fits a 17x22" cutting mat, with lots of room for other bits and pieces. It's intended as a gift, but I won't be more specific than that as this stage, although I don't think she reads my blog - but you never know! The bag is made from nine-patch blocks I exchanged with my dyeing group last year - I only used half of them, so there are still some left for other things. The other side of the bag looks very similar, only different colours, etc. The inside is a big parfait piece I did a while back. I think it's come out well - one thing I did that I didn't do with my linen pieced bag, which I did this time around is that I put a strip of non-pieced fabric around the edges - this really made life easier when sewing the seams together. The bag has nice long straps, so you can actually hang it over your shoulder, even with the mat in it (I know - I checked!).
And here's something else to share - lookie what I got in the post from Julie - for no particular reason, just for my "birthday month" and because she's an angel (and I mean Julie, not just the Dotee angel). I wonder if Julie knew that I have been admiring Dotee dolls and angels a lot lately, even almost to the point of being tempted to make some (though not quite - I really need another obsession - not). Anyway, I adore this little one, and I have hung here on a bit of wall where I can see her while I'm working. You can't really tell in the picture, but at the bottom is a charm which says "dream" and there is another charm on the back, where her wings are attached. It's a really lovely little doll, and I'm so happy to have got her. Oh, and there's a little stamp pad, too, for me to play with. Yeah, toys. Yeah, Julie!
And one more thing - after mixed results trying to sell things on etsy, dawanda and ebay, I have decided to try a more direct approach - a separate blog of stuff for sale - the link is at the top of my sidebar - tell everyone you know! :)
:O)) Lovely bag too!
Great bag and I love the Dotee angel
I love the bag. Great color choices.
I can't believe how quickly you can whip up something that looks soooo good!
Kate!! you lil'entrepreneur!! good for you. I surfed over there and it looks great, I hope you get loads of sales.
I'm in love with the framed inches--though can't decided which one. My last day at work is Nov 21 and on Nov 22 I start painting one of three rooms, decorating phase begins--so be ready I plan to order! First gonna get my color palette decided. I love them. They are adorable.
Are you off to states on Sat? safe travels if so.
I like the quilting shapes on the bag, and lucky you to recieive such a sweet faced angel. The Dotee doll is also on my list of "to do"s! One of my Groups has suggested a Christmas Dotee doll swap, so it may be sooner than I thought. Bravo on setting up a selling Blog. I'll scoot over and have a peek.
LOVE the bag :)
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