In about an hour, DH should be arriving home with "Grandma Lucy" (as the kids call her), so I probably won't get much if any sewing done until next Thursday or so - she leaves on Tuesday - the kids and I are taking her up to the train, having lunch, and popping over to the Natural History Museum for a few hours. Wednesday is back to school and I have to hang out for an hour or so in the morning to sort out the school uniform shop (one of my many hats - or half a hat in this case, as there are two of us), then grocery shopping. Maybe if I'm lucky, Alex will play with playdough or something for an hour on Wednesday afternoon! Anyway, I managed to delegate much of the housework today to the girls for extra pocket money, which meant I had time to get a few things done between doing the bits they can't do or can't reach and supervision. So this is the larger of the two quilt tops made from the PP2 block swap on about. You're right - it looks a lot like the smaller one, only a bit larger. But that's ok, it's still a nice top. Probably will work up to single bed size, so it may end up as a gift for a DD. Probably DD2 as I'm thinking that some black and white Scottie dog blocks I won in a block lotto would really suit DD1, who loves dogs. And although DD2 loved the discharge top I finished yesterday, I also really love that one, so I'm not sure I'll be generous enough to gift it...
Thursday, August 31, 2006
End of hyper-productivity
In about an hour, DH should be arriving home with "Grandma Lucy" (as the kids call her), so I probably won't get much if any sewing done until next Thursday or so - she leaves on Tuesday - the kids and I are taking her up to the train, having lunch, and popping over to the Natural History Museum for a few hours. Wednesday is back to school and I have to hang out for an hour or so in the morning to sort out the school uniform shop (one of my many hats - or half a hat in this case, as there are two of us), then grocery shopping. Maybe if I'm lucky, Alex will play with playdough or something for an hour on Wednesday afternoon! Anyway, I managed to delegate much of the housework today to the girls for extra pocket money, which meant I had time to get a few things done between doing the bits they can't do or can't reach and supervision. So this is the larger of the two quilt tops made from the PP2 block swap on about. You're right - it looks a lot like the smaller one, only a bit larger. But that's ok, it's still a nice top. Probably will work up to single bed size, so it may end up as a gift for a DD. Probably DD2 as I'm thinking that some black and white Scottie dog blocks I won in a block lotto would really suit DD1, who loves dogs. And although DD2 loved the discharge top I finished yesterday, I also really love that one, so I'm not sure I'll be generous enough to gift it...
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Honourably discharged...
I wonder how long I will be able to go on posting daily? It's only a matter of time until I just don't get to sew - like probably Friday, as my MIL arrives for a long weekend tomorrow evening. If I'm lucky I'll be able to sew a little tomorrow in amidst the housecleaning.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
4 down, 6 to go...
Only spent an hour today working between one thing and another, but did manage to do two blocks for a bookcase block swap on about. I now have 4 done, out of 10 I need to finish by mid October - not too bad. This is one - the other is similar, but different "book" fabrics and the elements together in a different order.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Oldie but goodie...
Today's sewing (I've been doing a lot lately to compensate in advance for the long weekend when my mother-in-law will be here, and I will get very little done) was very satisfactory. I cut out all the rest of the pieces for the Christmas blocks for that swap, and I put together some more of the blocks from the Penny Pincher 2 swap on (the purple jewel-box blocks). I plan to make 2 quilts from these - one for a baby/play quilt using 24 blocks and one normal sized quilt using the other 48 I have. I swapped 40 blocks, and made nearly as many for myself - they were nice blocks to make, and really made a good dent in my stash of 3 inch squares.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Itty bitty teeny weeny...pieces to cut
I also finally finished putting together some double four patch blocks I had from another swap - this quilt will eventually be used for longarm quilting practice and then be donated to Project Linus. I have a fabric planned for the border, maybe with a thin, plain border first.Another swap generated a large number of purple based jewel-box type blocks, which I've begun putting together - they are only put together in pairs at the moment (just typed "in paris" - I wish!) but here's a photo of 4 of them together - great secondary effect.
And last but not least, I've put together a bunch of string square blocks into fours for a lap quilt housewarming present for my friend Cathi in Ireland, who is (hopefully) moving on Tuesday. She was supposed to move Friday, but well... As I said to her, if her moving date keeps getting put off, the quilt might be done by the time she moves. It wasn't a great consolation, frankly.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Black and white challenge
So, that's finished now. I put the black binding on and sewed down the hanging sleeve while watching telly tonight (reality TV night - the Maria programme, X-factor and then the Maria results - we don't really like Meliz, so that was ok...). Now I just have to post it off to Jennie, who is collecting the groups' quilts so that they can all hang together at Hever in September. One project down, a million to go - but then I'm not the kind of quilter who will ever have everything finished, as I'd just start something else in the meantime!
And yes, I know I shouldn't take photos at night inside, but if I waited until tomorrow, it might not get done, so it's better now than never...
Let the blog begin...
So, what have I been working on lately? Yesterday, I did a block for the September Block Lotto on - I can't share a photo of that, because it's still in the sneak peek stage and not public yet, but I really liked the block and made some more today. When it becomes public, I'll put the pics up. A block lotto is when you make a number of blocks (usually limited to 5 or 6) and send them in to a central hostess - at the end of the month, she draws lots for the blocks, based on how many blocks you sent in. Depending on the total number of blocks received and precisely how the lottery is run (different people use different methods) you might win all or some of the blocks. Sophie, the hostess for the About lottos, keeps a blog of her own about her swaps and lottos.
Yesterday I also put a binding on a quilt for a black and white challenge I am doing with my virtual quilt group. This is a group I've been with for a long time - some of you may remember the house/building quilt I originally made from the blocks I received from our first swap. We've done other swaps and challenges each year - usually alternating a swap then a challenge - I think this is our 5th. There weren't a lot of rules to this one - we had to use black and white in the quilt - can't remember if we said a minimum percentage - and the quilt had to be within a certain diameter range, only so they'd be easy to hang together at Hever Quilt Show in September. I still need to sew the binding down (it's just black) but I think the quilt looks fun.