Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

31 August 2021

August Book Update

 Once again, I've set a reading goal of 100 books for the year - I didn't quite make it last year (95), but it's close enough to set that as a goal again (and I like a nice round number). I'll track which books I read in a month and which I liked best. Mostly for myself more than anything, but of course I'm always glad to have others follow along.

So...  in August, new (to me) books read: 2 ; books re-read: 2
Favourite book in August: Mudlarking by Lara Maiklem

 in July , new (to me) books read: 4 ; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in July: The Sealwoman's Gift by Sally Magnusson

in June, new (to me) books read: 4 ; books re-read: 1
Favourite book in June: The 10,000 Doors of January by Alix Harrow

in May, new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in May: Commonwealth by Ann Patchett

in April: new (to me) books read: 8; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in April:  The Ninth House, Leigh Bardugo

in March: new (to me) books read: 8; books re-read: 1
Favourite book in March:  Spring, Ali Smith

 in February: new (to me) books read: 4; books re-read: 
Favourite book in February:  A Single Thread, Tracy Chevalier

in January:  new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read: 
Favourite book in January:  An American Marriage, Tayari Jones

August reading: 
  • I re-read a couple of fantasy novels I go to when I can't get my brain to like a new book (Dragonsong, Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey)
  • I read a non-fiction book about treasure-hunting along the Thames, which was very good (Mudlarking by Lara Maiklem)
  • I read the next in a young adult series with a Sherlock Holmes kind of theme, which I've been reading (The Case for Jamie, Brittany Cavallero)
  • I started about four books, most of which I will finish eventually, but which don't count yet

30 August 2021

Book 46: The Case for Jamie, Brittany Cavallero


Third (and possibly final?) book in the young adult series based on the idea of young descendants of the Holmes and Watson family. 

13 August 2021

Books 44/45: Dragonsong/Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffery (re-reads)



A couple of old favourites which I often re-read when I can't settle to a new book.

06 August 2021

Book 43: Mudlarking by Lara Maiklem


This was great - very interesting read about the author's experience mudlarking (looking through the mud for objects of interest) along the Thames. 

31 July 2021

July Book Update

 Once again, I've set a reading goal of 100 books for the year - I didn't quite make it last year (95), but it's close enough to set that as a goal again (and I like a nice round number). I'll track which books I read in a month and which I liked best. Mostly for myself more than anything, but of course I'm always glad to have others follow along.

So...  in July , new (to me) books read: 4 ; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in July: The Sealwoman's Gift by Sally Magnusson

in June, new (to me) books read: 4 ; books re-read: 1
Favourite book in June: The 10,000 Doors of January by Alix Harrow

in May, new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in May: Commonwealth by Ann Patchett

in April: new (to me) books read: 8; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in April:  The Ninth House, Leigh Bardugo

in March: new (to me) books read: 8; books re-read: 1
Favourite book in March:  Spring, Ali Smith

 in February: new (to me) books read: 4; books re-read: 
Favourite book in February:  A Single Thread, Tracy Chevalier

in January:  new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read: 
Favourite book in January:  An American Marriage, Tayari Jones

July reading: 
  • I read three books from my pile (The Sealwoman's Gift by Sally Magnusson, A Skinful of Shadows by Frances Hardinge, Night Music by Jojo Moyes)
  • and one book in a crime series I'm reading, which I recently ordered from ABEbooks (A False Mirror by Charles Todd)

29 July 2021

Book 42: Night Music, Jojo Moyes

(purchased - charity shop, New Malden. 15.4.21)


27 July 2021

Book 41: A Skinful of Shadows, Frances Hardinge


(purchased, charity shop, New Malden, 27.12.19)

30 June 2021

June Book Update

Once again, I've set a reading goal of 100 books for the year - I didn't quite make it last year (95), but it's close enough to set that as a goal again (and I like a nice round number). I'll track which books I read in a month and which I liked best. Mostly for myself more than anything, but of course I'm always glad to have others follow along.

So...  in June, new (to me) books read: 4 ; books re-read: 1
Favourite book in June: The 10,000 Doors of January by Alix Harrow

in May, new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in May: Commonwealth by Ann Patchett

in April: new (to me) books read: 8; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in April:  The Ninth House, Leigh Bardugo

in March: new (to me) books read: 8; books re-read: 1
Favourite book in March:  Spring, Ali Smith

 in February: new (to me) books read: 4; books re-read: 
Favourite book in February:  A Single Thread, Tracy Chevalier

in January:  new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read: 
Favourite book in January:  An American Marriage, Tayari Jones

June reading: 

  • I read another in a mystery series I like, which I've not kept up with recently until now (Riviera Gold by Laurie R King)
  • I read a book about reading (The Year of Reading Dangerously, Andy Miller)
  • I read a YA book which was great (The 10000 Doors of January, Alix Harrow)
  • I re-read an old favourite which was mentioned somewhere (I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith)
  • I read a novel in a different world by Jasper Fforde (I like the ones set in books) - this one was an interesting concept, but I wasn't quite as keen (Early Riser)

23 June 2021

Book 38: Early Riser, Jasper Fforde


(Charity shop purchase)

06 June 2021

Book 35: The Year of Reading Dangerously, Andy Miller


(taken from staff book swap table at work)

05 June 2021

Book 34: Riviera Gold, Laurie R King


(purchased on Abe Books, May 2021)

31 May 2021

May Reading Update

Once again, I've set a reading goal of 100 books for the year - I didn't quite make it last year (95), but it's close enough to set that as a goal again (and I like a nice round number). I'll track which books I read in a month and which I liked best. Mostly for myself more than anything, but of course I'm always glad to have others follow along.

So...  in May, new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in May: Commonwealth by Ann Patchett

in April: new (to me) books read: 8; books re-read: 0
Favourite book in April:  The Ninth House, Leigh Bardugo

in March: new (to me) books read: 8; books re-read: 1
Favourite book in March:  Spring, Ali Smith

 in February: new (to me) books read: 4; books re-read: 
Favourite book in February:  A Single Thread, Tracy Chevalier

in January:  new (to me) books read: 6; books re-read: 
Favourite book in January:  An American Marriage, Tayari Jones

May reading: 
  • I read a couple of children's book which have been sitting in my stack of kids' books for a while (The Wonderling by Mira Bartok, Malamander by Thomas Taylor)
  • I read a very interesting non-fiction book about fonts (Just My Type by Simon Garfield). I'm not a big non fiction reader, though I'm fond of a good memoir (not biography) and do like the odd quirky delve into some bit of the world - like this font book.
  • I read a couple of crime fiction books in series which I follow (Island of the Mad, Laurie R King; Fear in the Sunlight, Nicola Upson)
  • I read a great fiction book which has been in my pile for a while, by an author I always enjoy (Commonwealth, Ann Patchett)

Book 33: Fear in the Sunlight by Nicola Upson

What can be better than sitting in the sun reading?  And if your book is also linked to sitting in the sun, well, so much the better...


29 May 2021

Book 32: Malamander by Thomas Taylor

This was a fun kids book - creative story and very engaging.


27 May 2021

Book 31: Island of the Mad, Laurie R King

Realised recently that I haven't read the latest couple of this series, which I really like. So I decided to catch up. 


23 May 2021

Book 30: Commonwealth, Ann Patchett


I always enjoy Ann Patchett, and this one was no exception - she just writes a very good story. I first encountered her when Bel Canto came out, and went on to read her previous books, and then her subsequent ones. I somehow missed this one, but picked it up in a charity shop a while back.  I'm a bit old for staying up late to finish books these days, but I got wrapped up in this one and had to finish it before bedtime. I think Run might still be my favourite, but this certainly is up there.

(purchased in a Wimbledon charity shop, 12 Aug 2020)