I'm a fairly busy person. Some would say very busy. So why is it that I never feel I have anything to blog about here? There's plenty to blog on my quilting blog, because you don't have to think of anything interesting, you just talk about the sewing you did that day, but when I try to apply that principle to this blog, it always seems kind of boring!
So. Here's a bunch of tulips, which I received yesterday from our lunch guest, Katya, who is sort of a colleague of Geoff's (she works in Boston - edits Neuron - but she's in London for a month or so). She brought me these lovely flowers, which have opened up really nicely, and a bottle of wine (which opened nicely, too!). We often (well, maybe often isn't quite right - regularly, let's say) have colleagues of Geoff's around when they are visiting from the US (or wherever) - this time, it was nice to have another American, especially a female East-Coaster who is my age and was born in Germany (yes, I know, sounds like me!). Anyway, we had a nice day, good lunch if I do say so myself (rack of lamb, pommes dauphinnoise, stuffed courgettes; forest fruit ice-cream to finish) and good enough weather for a nice walk afterwards (the girls on their bikes) - but of course, having a guest for lunch pretty much takes up the whole day. Which is fine, but often leaves me feeling I haven't accomplished much.
I guess we compensated for that today - Geoff mowed the grass, we cleaned out the gutter on the front of the house, Geoff took a trip to the tip, I did three loads of wash, and so on. See how exciting my life is? No wonder I don't blog it all the time!
On a funnier note (sort of) - the girls have been playing elaborate games today involving pretending to have broken a limb. So it was a bit like a triage area in the hallway and kitchen... This unfortunately was prompted by Olivia's friend Eliza having broken her elbow, poor thing. She did it falling over at the school disco, but is either very stoical, or just managed to do it in an unusually painless way - even the doctor at the hospital when her mum took her to have an x-ray just to be on the safe side, didn't think it was broken because Eliza wasn't in enough pain. Which is good, of course, but lucky that they went to have the x-ray "just in case". At the moment, she's not in plaster because apparently they prefer not to do plaster for elbows, but I think when she goes back later in the week, she'll come out with a cast - just too hard for a six-year old not to move her elbow. Or have it moved accidentally.