Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Yesterday afternoon at 2:30, this was the view out my office window. We'd had about an inch of snow the night before, and the Blizzard of 2011 was just commencing.

This morning, it's a little different:

It's hard to tell just how much snow we actually got -- this side of the building only had about six inches, but the drifts at my front door were about four feet (yes, FEET). Two hours of shoveling later, and there's a shovel-wide path to crawl through, and I'm done -- but the snow isn't! They're forecasting another 4-6" of lake effect snow today!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Out here in the far west burbs, we are done with the snow, but lots of drifts to shovel through. I just heard the report that you could get up to 4" more. Well at least the record keepers will be happy if we make it to the top worst storm.

Missfil from Paris-FRANCE said...

Amazing !
Is it in Chicago ?

Marg said...

Snow there, cyclones here, the weather is wild at this time of year!

CraftHappy said...

My friend who lives near downtown had four feet of snow covering her garage, too!! I hope you have managed to dig out OK. I heard it's sunny now.