Showing posts with label tgkip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tgkip. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ten Things I Promise To My Future Husband


As an unmarried 20-something approaching 30, I have a lot of friends who are married, getting married, or have been together long enough to get married soon. And what do said friends talk about often? Their significant others! 

I've had my share of long-term relationships, but my longest was 3 years, so in some ways the bloom didn't even get a chance to leave the rose. But watching my friends navigate the rough seas that come with building a life with a whole other person (and sometimes making newer, smaller people along the way) has taught me A LOT. 

And like a teenager looks at their parents and says, "I'll NEVER do that to my kids!", I observe my friends and think of what I'd love to incorporate into my next relationship and what I hope I never do. Here's my list.

I promise:

1. That it's okay for me to go out with you and you without me - even when we have kids. 
If I'm really tired, or I don't feel like being social, it's okay for you to go out with your friends now and then. Sometimes, I'd love for you to stay in with me, but I'm sure a few hours alone will be a delicious luxury one day. And this should hold true, even when we have munchkins - if you don't want to leave the couch and the baby, but I really need a happy hour, why not? Marriage shouldn't be a tit-for-tat affair.

2. You can have secrets - (and so can I). 
I don't have to know what you think about everything. If it helps you to share it with me, then share it. But sometimes, the things we think are better left in our heads - especially if they're about my family, my weight, my hair. We were individuals before we were a couple and you're allowed some privacy. 

3. As long as you never look at them again, you can keep those boxes with stuff from old girlfriends in the garage/attic/basement. 
I have my own memory boxes; I'm sentimental. When I'm dating someone, I keep everything in a shoe box, so I can lovingly look at our memories now and then. And when I'm no longer dating them, I seal the boxes and put them in the closet. But I don't toss them. Because those things happened! Those relationships made me who I am, the amazing wife that I hope to be. Throwing them away would be like deleting the pictures from past events. Just because I'm never going to look at them again, doesn't mean I should get rid of them. They act as a record of a life lived. 

4. That I will not put myself in situations that make you uncomfortable. 
This is a lesson that I wish more couples would learn. I hear too many people say things like, "Your insecurity is not my problem." You know what, future husband, your insecurity isn't MY problem, but it would be OURS. I would hope you would try to work on that, maybe in therapy. And as your wife, it is my responsibility to not make you wonder. I'm the person who should make you feel safe, secure, and whole. If you could accidentally come across Facebook pictures of me getting a lap dance at a girls' night out, I'm doing something wrong. I never want to have to say, "It's not what you think."

5. To continue to do the things that made me a whole and interesting person before I met you - and that continue to make me happy. 
I have a pretty busy life right now and while I'd happily give some of that up for you, I'd never give up all of it. I like having wine and appetizers with my girls. I like babysitting for my munchkins. I like shopping alone. I like volunteering. I like finding things at garage sales and rehabbing them. I like couponing and seeing full shelves in my mini stockpile. I like eating alone in restaurants with a good book and unlimited Diet Coke. I like going to concerts you might find dorky (Asia, Hanson, NKOTB). I like buying yoga groupons. You could (maybe) join me for that one. But I really like shopping alone. And I really like babysitting. I'm happy to make space for you, future husband, but I'll never change who I am. 

6. To make you feel needed, even when I may feel like I could do it myself. 
I'm an independent woman. I've lived alone for almost three years; I open my own jars, take out my own trash, and kill my own spiders. On a bigger scale, I entertain myself, take care of myself, and support myself.    I plan multi country itineraries and then travel them, alone. For better or worse, I don't *need* a man right now, in the way that a lot of my contemporaries do. However, that's not something you should ever feel. It's important for people to feel needed in a relationship and I am happy to ask you to reach things on tall shelves, to open jars, and maybe even to set up the DVD player, because gosh, I just don't know how those things work. 

7. To not make you feel like you don't do things as well as I could do them myself. 
This is another big one in my book, like #4. If you do something as a surprise or a favor, how crappy is it of me to point out that it's not EXACTLY as I would have done it. If I come home after you've been watching the baby and the only thing I can see is how you didn't put on his diaper the same way I do, then I have a problem. These things build resentment and, worst of all, they chip away at the mutual respect that will be a building block of our relationship. Research has even shown that eye-rolling (a classic sign of contempt and disrespect) can be a "strong predictor for divorce". 

8. To never fight with you in front of our friends or family. 
A tiff here, a spat there: sure. But an important discussion (argument) about a big issue should not be held in front of other people. I'm not saying we pretend like we never disagree, I'm just saying it's not okay to put on a show. 

9. To not become cynical about love, our life together, and our future. 
I never want to use the word divorce. If you can say it, you can do it. "Maybe we should take a break?" "Let's take some space." "I can't handle this - us - right now." Not allowed. Relationships take work, continuous work, and there are no easy outs here. I'm not marrying you with the backup plan that we can always get divorced if I change my mind/something happens/things don't work out.

10. To always let you take out the trash. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dear All Friends Who Are Currently In Relationships


Dear all friends who are currently in relationships,

I don't understand you.

I don't.

I don't know if I can ever be you. Some days, I really want to be you - all cuddly and smooshy and moving forward with your life plans-y.

But other days, I look at you making these huge compromises. And I think...I could never do that. I mean, I've been in relationships. Long-term ones! But I don't think I ever was that person who gave herself so completely to anyone that she lost HERSELF. I've always been Katie. Not KatieandVictor or KatieandPercy or -- you can tell I'm making up these names, right?

This weekend, I saw a friend who doesn't hang out with us very often and I asked if he was attending a birthday party the following day. His response: "Not sure, gotta see what the boss [i.e. his wife] is doing." I almost died. I mean, WHAT?! If I want to go to a party, I'll go to a party. And in this case, the birthday boy was a very good friend of his, like groomsmen at each other's weddings sort of good friend. I couldn't comprehend the maybe.

Now, I understand the glow of new love. And I understand checking with your spouse to see if they're already making dinner before you make plans to go out to happy hour. But I don't understand this whole concept of not doing something unless your partner wants to.

Did you all lose your identities?! I am a person who likes to go to farmers' markets. If I were dating a boy who didn't (god forbid), should I stop going because we can only do things together?

Um, that answer is no, by the way. NO. I should keep going - with boyfriend, or without boyfriend. His preferences don't change MY preferences.

I know that relationships come in all sizes - and that every couple has their own way of communicating. But I so strongly believe that you should not give away your decision-making power. And you should not give up your likes and dislikes. And you should have some things that you maybe even do by yourself.

And maybe...this is why I'm single.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Kate Has Debt :(

In the past on this blog, I have touched on some serious issues, like depression and weight loss and lifestyle changes, so I hope it's not a huge surprise that I am going to devote some time to another: debt and money management. 

I plan to be really honest with you about my current situation and my plan to improve it. I know that some of you have similar hurdles in your financial lives and I hope this helps you. What I'd love is for you to share your stories with me - whether it's something you stopped doing in order to live a debt-free lifestyle or something you just can't bring yourself to cut out. I understand, I've been there. I am there.

{this is what i feel like i'm doing sometimes

I will post about the following:

-- How I got into this mess --
-- What I'm doing to get out of it --
-- The tools I'm using to get out of it --
-- What I hope to achieve --
-- How I'm going to make sure I will never be here again --

Along the way, my goal is to bring humor, reality, honesty, and support to a subject that causes so much shame, guilt, and denial.

Thanks for joining me along this journey!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I Am My Car? I Am Not My Car?

It's really interesting/sad/lovely/human how we use things to label ourselves. Take cars, for example. I drive a Volvo S40 T5. It's fast, agile, sporty, but still classy and attractive. While I may not use all of those words to describe myself, I feel like my car reflects "me" and the image I want to show the world.

{my bff on our road trip through sequoia (read about it here)}

Unfortunately, my Swedish beauty is in some trouble right now. Not only was she rudely bumped the other day (read about it here), but over the weekend, she decided she needed a new engine. So, now I'm swimming in the murky waters of insurance, appraisers, borrowed cars, and oh so much money.

Luckily, I was able to borrow my sister's car for a few days. Now, she drives a Prius - a car I would probably never buy. It's just not sexy! It's not fast, it's not completely unattractive, but it's a little funny-looking. But also, I'm not a "Prius driver." I don't see myself that way. When I was driving her caer, I felt like an imposter. I felt like everyone was looking at me and thinking, "She must care about the environment. She obviously goes to Burning Man. She might not even shave her armpits." And, yes, I know this is crazy. But of course, we all judge people on first impressions and I *might* have been projecting my first impressions onto others.

Last night, I had to give my sister her car back, so I borrowed my friend's car - a bright yellow Ford Escape. Driving that bad boy aroound, I could hear the whispers, "She must like snowboarding. She's obviously active. I bet she surfs." I feel like I need to explain everytime I make eye contact with another driver - "Hello, yes, this isn't my car actually. I just have to drive it for a while. I normally drive a Volvo. But, not the mom kind! The cool kind, the fast kind, the successful 20-something kind."

And it's at about that point that I realize I've lost my grip on reality. I am not my car. I am a person. My car is lovely. And sexy, and fast, and beautiful and --. You get it. But it's not who I am.

But maybe it's who I want to be. Everybody uses their clothes, hair, jewelry, makeup, and things to portray an aimage of who they want the world to perceive them as. Even people who say they're "not into that" are consciously putting out that image. "I'm too smart to brush my hair or put on makeup." By the way, that was me for many years. But I WANTED people to notice my brain, not my hair, because I thought it meant we were shallow. What it really meant was that they probably didn't give my brain a thought because I looked like a homeless person.  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Thank You To My Glasses

In February of 2008, I plunked down a huge amount of money, popped a few ibuprofen and a Valium and prepared to change my life.

I got Lasik.

I got my first pair of (red, Minnie Mouse) glasses when I was 7, in 3rd grade. It was inevitable; both of my parents and all of my grandparents wore glasses. It probably didn't help that my 7-year-old self (like my 27-year-old self) read in any light possible, even the dim light of a movie theater, in the car at night, or under the covers.

After the Minnie glasses, I graduated to bifocals. Yep, I was Benjamin Franklin-ing it in the 5th grade. Probably because prior to this I would remove my glasses, set them in my pocket and then promptly sit down on them. About once a week.

My parents took me to our optometrist at least once a month - probably a lot more - for adjustments, tweaked frames, or popped-out lenses. Dr. Barr (the elder, now passed away) was a focal point of my childhood. He smelled of cinnamon and welding. Getting to choose new glasses was THE BEST. Sometimes Dr. Barr (the younger, now retired) would let me choose a new case to go along with them and it was the BEST DAY EVER.

{The summer after 6th grade}

As I got older, my glasses became a part of my identity.
The smart girl. The girl who likes to read. The girl who writes poetry all over her jeans.
The girl with the glasses.

{a pensive pose in November of 2003}


In my early 20's, I found my most favorite pair of glasses ever - turquoise and lime green Vogue frames. They were colorful, fun, quirky, and could start any conversation. They were ME. At the time, I worked in retail and I don't think a day went by that a customer didn't comment on my glasses. Even better, they looked good with all of my different hair colors - and there were a lot.

{Vogue frames with my red hair}

But then, I went to Hawaii and I went snorkeling for the first time. Which was awesome! ...I think. See, I took off my glasses to put on my goggles and though I took a bunch of awesome pictures while swimming blind, and I saw a lot of colorful streaks, I didn't get to enjoy the moment. Which sucks.

{at a Pottery Barn Kids holiday meeting}

So, I began thinking... maybe it was time. This was also a time when I was wrestling with who "Katie" was. For so long, I had been labeled (and labeled myself) as a certain person. And "glasses" were part of my label, part of me. There was probably also a lot of psychological fun-ness that we could touch on, like "hiding" behind my glasses, making myself "invisible" or other things I should talk about in therapy. But, let's not.

So, I did the research, I found the right place for me - Laser Eye Center in Torrance, CA - now known as NVISION Laser Eye Centers - and I made an appointment for a consultation. Five months later, on the day after Valentine's Day, I had LASIK done. I went in early in the morning and the procedure took all of 20 minutes. Then I went home with my eyeballs covered by gauze, sleeping pills, and Vicodin. My mom made me food, then I slept until the following morning, when I went back to have the bandages removed. I will forever remember (and I've thought about snapping a photo to hang at home) the first thing I saw when I stepped outside with my new eyes. The Martin Chevrolet sign across the parking lot, across the street.

{via Google Maps}

And then, the marvels began. I could see trees. Not green shapes my brain identified as such. But trees. With leaves. And branches. I could see street signs. I could see how dirty my shower was (crap). And I couldn't wait to see what I had missed out on the NEXT time I went snorkeling.

At first, it was REALLY hard to get used to what I looked like without my glasses. I didn't know who this person was, I didn't understand the way her face was shaped. The kids I baby-sit for were a little freaked out. I had clear lenses put into my Vogue frames and I wore them for about a week. Then, it just seemed silly. My friends would ask, "Didn't you get LASIK? Why are you wearing glasses?" I couldn't admit I was self-conscious about my face (or maybe I couldn't hide anymore, cue therapy!), so I went bare-faced. And gradually, I got used to it.

{first Thanksgiving after LASIK - with Jonathan}

I still have my Vogue frames and I've worn them as props in the past few years, but mostly they're a reminder. Of how we change, but we still stay the same. I wore glasses for 16 of my most formative years. I will always reach up to adjust my glasses if something isn't quite clear. Even though they're not there. And I will always wipe my eyes with my index finger, starting at my nose and moving under my eye, just as if I was doing it under a pair of glasses. That aren't there.

{using my Vogue frames as a prop at a "geek chic" party - with Amy}

But I've learned that I'm not defined by this one characteristic. Or any characteristic. And understanding that has made me a better person.

Thank you, glasses :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy

The other night at dinner, my friends and I received the most wonderful news: a very sweet couple in our group is expecting! They are the first of my very close friends to get pregnant and of course, I am soooo excited! Imagine the decorating, the planning, the shopping - I can't wait!

But, I also hit that teeny tiny place where I thought... when is it my turn? Okay, I know! Snap out of it! And I swear it a. lasted only a moment and b. didn't diminish my insane joy for their happiness at all. But, it happened...and it hurt. It's not constructive to compare, I know. And most of the time, I can acknowledge all of the blessings in my life. But I compared for a second. And I came up short.

So... I came home and wrote about it. And now I'm better. Like magic. :) I really need to try to remember the below.


*And if you identify with this theme (I'm sure so many of you do), you should check out Nichelle's post over at Vintage Wanna Bee.*

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Five Things I've Learned By Living Alone

I've lived alone for over a year now and I feel like a completely different person. It hasn't all been rainbows and lollipops, but whatever difficult times I've had, have been instrumental in building who I'm becoming. If you're considering it, I think it's important for everyone (but especially girls) to live alone for a while. It doesn't matter what stage of life you're in or if you're in a relationship - it's about getting to know yourself.


I also strongly believe that acknowledgment sows the seeds of gratefulness. So in that vein, here are the first five things I've learned by living alone.


1. You can be lonely with other people or you can be lonely alone.
Being lonely (or unhappy or sad or happy, for that matter) are all within YOU. You can decide where you are in your emotions and how long you want to stay there. Sometimes, you want to wallow for 20 minutes - you want to cry and be frustrated and hate your life. And I'm telling you that that is okay. It's OKAY. For 20 minutes, you can curl up in bed and wish your life were different. But after those 20 minutes go by, and you've had a therapeutic release, you need to get up and do something about it. Only YOU can change your life.


Before I lived alone, there were moments when I felt intensely alone in the world. Crying by yourself DOWNstairs, when your roommate and best friend is UPstairs is really hard. Crying by yourself in your own, empty house with your cats is tough, too. But, I found it easier to pity myself in the former situation. Easier to say, he should come down here. He should come comfort me. He should be a good friend. And whether he should have or not aside, I was making a big mistake in blaming HIM. When I'm sad at my house now, I get sad. Then, I decide to do something about it. This is something I don't think I could have learned as well/as easily without living alone.

2. A pet makes all the difference.
To be honest, I've never lived alone without a pet and I don't know how I would have handled it if I had. Growing up with animals, I am well-acquainted with the absolute sheer comfort you can get out of a cuddle with a furry friend. Many a high school heartbreak was healed by laying my head on a labrador's chest. So, yes, animals give you a tactile and emotional comfort that helps you whether you live alone or not.

{my magic - no longer with us}

But, I think more importantly, they also provide you companionship. If I didn't have Oliver and Crash, who would I talk to when I walked in the door? How long would I go without saying a word? There was a time when I would call upstairs and ask Jonathan to come watch a show with me - now Oliver climbs onto my lap and we enjoy an episode of An Idiot Abroad. For people who have dogs, their pups can join them in the world. Running errands or running a mile, Fido is your activity pal. Once you no longer have people around you all the time, these little guys become that much more important.

{oliver and crash}

3. Living alone is the gateway to doing things alone - and happiness.
I remember the first time I saw a movie alone. American Beauty had been out for over a month and all my friends had seen it. So, I walked my 14-year-old self to the theatre and saw a (probably, completely inappropriate) movie. It was liberating. From that moment on, I was an independent woman. Or, on the path to becoming one. Since then, I can happily spend time with myself - at the bookstore and farmer's market, going to thrift shops and garage sales, movies and lectures. Last year, I even went on a road trip all by myself - no internet/phone allowed - and became even more at ease being alone.


Of course, there are moments when you're standing at the pier, watching the sunset and you think, it would be really lovely to share this with someone. But what I've found is that 90% of the time, we're just looking for validation when that happens. We don't give ourselves enough credit. This sunset must not be awesome unless my friend agrees or I share a picture on Facebook. Listen up people! Your eyeballs told you it was amazing. TRUST THEM. They're smart. And the other 10% of the time, call up a friend, tell them to meet you with a hot chocolate and enjoy the sunset together.

4. Get out of your house!
Once you create your perfect little nest, with a comfy couch and a cozy bed and that perfect spot for applying your makeup, you may never want to leave. But you should. Just because your DVR is full of New Girl and once Upon A Time episodes, you can't spend all Sunday lying on your couch watching TV. Well, at least, not every weekend. My house is such an extension of my personality, such a piece of my soul that sometimes it's hard to leave. Plus, there's those cute cats.


But you can't let your haven become your hindrance. When I first lived alone, I spent many weekends completely at home. Partly, I was nesting, but partly I was hiding. I was so COMFORTABLE there - and that gets a little scary. I want to be comfortable in my bed, in my skin, in the shower. But I don't want to be comfortable in MY LIFE. I want to be challenged, excited, and a little bit scared. Plus, it never feels better to come home than when you've been away. So, make your house beautiful, make it homey, make it YOURS - and enjoy it. But then enjoy the world and your friends and the land outside your bed.

5. Stay in sometimes - naked.
Let me explain! The best part of living alone alone. You can pee with the door open, you can walk to the kitchen in your birthday suit in the middle of the night, you can lounge on the couch in your skivvies on a Sunday afternoon. You can wear as many or as few clothes as you want. I have a robe hanging on the back of my bathroom door...but I don't think I've ever used it in this house. Why would I?

The real benefit of all this is that you get to be so much more comfortable in your body. Without the impetus to cover up, you forget why you *wanted* to cover up in the first place. And when you pass by a mirror and you catch a glimpse of yourself, you appreciate what you see. I don't care what insecurities you have, you must be able to find beauty in some part of you - the curve of your calf, the small of your back, the hollow in your collarbones. Being naked alone in your house, with no one there who could possibly make you feel bad about yourself, opens you up to the question, Why should I be that person?

It's your job to love you and that doesn't mean only in your best jeans.


What do you guys think? Have you ever (or do you) lived alone? Did you find it liberating or lonely?

Pin It

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Big Gesture


I am always hoping for the big gesture. When my birthday rolls around and everyone is hanging out (like any other Saturday), I hope there's a big surprise party about to begin at any moment. When I pull into my driveway, I think that maybe my crush will be parked there waiting for me. When my doorbell rings, I think for just a second, "Maybe that's a good friend stopping by just to say hi." 

So, I don't usually get the big gesture. I mean, I have. I've received spontaneous boba milk tea drop-offs and birthday scavenger hunts and even an anniversary note printed in the classifieds. But, of course, more often than not, there is nobody waiting in my driveway and the doorbell is just a solicitor. Which is normal and fine and my life is not a movie. 

But I still always hope. My brain automatically goes to that magical place first - which I love about myself. I'm so optimistic and I expect the best in everyone, but what that means is that I'm usually disappointed, if only for a moment. 

So, what's better? Hoping for magic and settling for reality? Or assuming that nothing special is going to happen and not getting disappointed when it doesn't? Personally, I'm not going to fight my "true nature" - I am an optimist and a romantic and I see magic around every corner. And I am so okay with that. :)

What about you? Do you see magic everywhere?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Renewal

Oh me, oh my, I'm a bad blog mommy. I have been MIA for...(I don't even want to look, I'll feel too guilty!) a long time. And what reasons can I give you? I got busy, I got distracted, I was over-extended, I lost inspiration, I wanted to watch RHOBH instead? They're all true and all false. But the best part of blogging is that, I'm pretty sure you all understand. You all have lives, too, and that's what makes this so interesting.
But, I am so happy to be back! And for the foreseeable future, I'm going to wait on the grand giveaways and the etsy seller spotlights, so that I can focus on writing. Because that's why we blog, right? Because we love to write and we think we have something interesting to say. Of course, if I see something too dang cute not to share, I will share! But mostly, I want to share more of my life with you and to get to know more about what's going on in yours.

So, a little recap is likely in order. I graduated from college (finally)! Last June I walked at commencement and in September, I received my diploma.
{Moi in June 2011}

As of last November, I've also been in my apartment for a year - and guys, it's definitely come together! My plan is to write some home spotlioght posts in the coming weeks, so I can share my nest with you!

Oliver and Crash are still best buds and the best little kitties I could ask for. Since adopting Crash in November of 2010, he has warmed up to me and is now the sweetest, most loving boy ever. He still runs and hides when anyone new comes over, but he eventually works his way out.

{Crash on Black Friday 2011}

I carved my first pumpkin in 2011 and I think he turned out pretty well!

{first pumpkin carving!}
Two of my best friends got married and then we went to Hawaii!

{Kyle and Lindsay on August 13, 2011}

{2 weeks later on Oahu!
*Jen, Lindsay, Me, Anthony, Katie, Kyle, Andrew*}

I went to some great concerts since I've been gone from Blog-land.

{Zac Brown Band}

{Toby Keith and Eric Church}

{Rascal Flatts and Sara Evans}

{Lady Antebellum and Josh Kelley}

{The Get Up Kids!}

I ran into an old friend (like, met when we were TWO, inseparable until high school, haven't seen her in 10 years) at a party at a good friend's house! She jsut recently invited me to her baby shower and I'm so excited to be back in touch.
{Sheri and I in 1987}

{Sheri and I in 2011}

I went on a road trip with my best girls

and I went on a road trip with myself.

And I tried bone marrow for the first time (and that wasn't the last time!) - it's delicious!

Whew! It does feel like you've missed a lot. But ultimately, know this: I left blogging because I needed to focus on living. What does that mean? I'm trying to be a truer me - a pretty ostentatious undertaking. I'm still single and though there are nights that I'm lonely, there are plenty of Sunday mornings when I get up and do exactly what I want and that's precious. I'm taking Spanish classes because even though I finished school, I miss learning. I've started journaling again (and blogging) and this has helped me to figure out what's going on in this head of mine. I tried anti-gravity yoga and decided it wasn't for me and I tried bone marrow and decided it was. I wake up everyday and look at the art and beauty and color (and kitties!) in my home and I know I'm lucky. And if I had to take a break to get there, I'm so happy I did. :)

Can't wait to write more (and read more)!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm Learning To Fly

my lovely blog friends, i am going on a trip this weekend. i don't actually know where. i have no reservations, no plans. i do have paper maps, a packed suitcase and a full tank of gas.

until monday night when i return, i will be unreachable - no phone, internet, computers, facebook, blogging, nothing! just me, my car and my music. which is scary and a little exciting all at once. 

i'm such a planner that going into this without an itinerary is also freaking me out. i have some ideas - maybe i'll go south towards oceanside, maybe i'll go west to arizona or utah, maybe i'll go north towards sequoia. 

i am so optimistic that this weekend spent with myself will be just what i need to feel centered, happy and whole. my hope is that i will find myself out there and that i will like that person. 

mr. tom petty really could be the soundtrack to so many moments in my life (and i'm sure in yours). but this song has been in my head for the past few days, especially the refrain below, and i know it will be the song playing as i pull out of my driveway and into the sunrise.

have a beautiful, happy weekend - i know i will! :)

"Well, some say life will beat you down

Break your heart, steal your crown

So I've started out for God knows where

I guess I'll know when I get there"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh, Happy Day!

Two days ago, I found out I am eligible to graduate in June! Well, technically, I am eligible to graduate in November, but I finagled my way into the June ceremony so hurray! In honor of this *happy day*, I made a treasury, aptly named...Oh, Happy Day! Here it is:

*and don't forget! today is the last day to enter the Sparrow Moon Giveaway!*

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Moving Progress!

Moving has begun!

I have had such a blast choosing paint colors, tile, flooring and furniture. I really am lucky to be able to do this much customization without owning my place. 

Here are some before and now pics.


{old bedroom}

{carpet is outta here!}

{buttah yellow bedroom}

{pergo goes in!}

Office/craft room

{old craft room (new light fixture)}

{asparagus craft room and pergo floors}

{craft room at night with molding!}


{demo to the studs}

{drywall goes up}

{kitchen tile gets laid out}

{the kitchen gets painted}

{kitchen molding goes up}

{ready for granite!}

{corner cabinet glass lazy susan}


{bathroom is down to studs}

{new shower tile going in}

{walls are painted}

{and bathroom furniture is installed!}

Living room

{the living room became the hub of demolition}

{living room gets recessed lighting!}

{new living room window}

{view of front door from kitchen}

{kitchen cabinets are built in the living room}

{the view from the front door to the kitchen}

And yesterday, I started moving stuff in!

Today, I will move more boxes, tomorrow I will move the bigger items with the help of Mike and Jon and tomorrow night my couch is delivered! Friday means the arrival of my bedroom furniture and fridge and I will be completely moved out by Sunday. Whew, I'm tired just thinking about all the unpacking.

But the unpacking will be so fun. And so will the decorating! Once I've got the rooms set up, I will take pictures and note my paint colors and the awesome etsy artists you will see on all my walls.

Off to do more packing! :)

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