ÅÅåå så koselig, jeg fikk en herlig award fra
ELI KRISTIN. Hør bare hva hun skriver, hø-hø... "De jeg sender den videre til får den fordi de er utrolig dyktige til å lage kort og det gir meg alltid masse inspirasjon å besøke bloggenen deres. Tusen hjertelig takk
ELI KRISTIN.Denne setter jeg stoooor pris på! ;)
Rules for the JAVABLU AWARD:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4. Before listing the nominees give a brief reason why you chose them
5. Put links of those blogs on yours.
6. Leave a message on the blogs you have nominated.
The javablu award goes to...
ANITA. I will give this Award to Anita because she teach me to paint, and so much more.
BENTE. Got this Award because She must be a wonderful person, five children, nurse, and she make so wonderful things/card.
CAMILLA. You got this Award because you are so positive and I like your works.
MARLENE. You make the must wonderful card, and you give me so much inspiration in your blog.
JORUNN.Jorunn, Jorunn you are a helpful person and give me a lot of inspiration
RIKKE.I give this Award to you for the person you are. Positiv, and you inspire me so often.
All of these amazing women are wonderful blog friends that stop by, leave me a nice comment and truly make my day. I cherish you guys! ;) I would love to pass the javablu award on to all of my visitors regardless - and especially those of you kind enough to leave me a comment. I love comments and I'll definately visit your blog too!