Showing posts with label kawaii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kawaii. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 November 2013

New in my shop - hair ties

Novo v trgovini - elastike za lase

This year I was on the mission to make a few new products. I still didn't have time to do them all, but I managed to do at least this one - fabric button hair ties. This time I present you the ones from animal kingdom.I hope that you like them :)

To leto sem posvetila uresničevanju novih idej za svoje izdelke. Čeprav vsega še nisem uspela narediti, pa so tu elastike za lase. Tokrat vam predstavljam tiste iz živalskega kraljestva.Upam, da so vam všeč :)

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)

Monday, 23 July 2012

Girls, girls, girls... big earrings. These ones are 1 1/8  inch (2,9 cm) big.

Dekleta ljubijo velike uhane. Ti so veliki kar 2,9 cm.

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)
- DaWanda shop
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