Showing posts with label jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jewelry. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 November 2013

End of fall

Konec jeseni

...brings more fruits of my work.

... prinaša še nekaj sadov mojega dela.

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

And then there were fabric dangle earrings

In potem so prišli viseči uhani

I love making fabric button stud earrings and giving a new life to old fabric scraps. But I have always wanted to make dangle earrings too. So I finally found a way. I hope that you like the result.

Vedno sem rada izdelovala male uhane iz blaga, tako da so ostanki blaga dobili novo življenje. Toda vedno sem hotela izdelovati tudi viseče uhane. Zdaj sem končno našla način, kako. Upam, da vam je rezultat všeč.

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Purple June

It looks like I really like purple this month. What about you?

Videti je, da mi je ta mesec še posebej všeč vijolična. Pa tebi?

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)

Friday, 8 March 2013

Happy international women's day! AND SALE

Lep dan žena!

Celebrate it with 8% off everything (earrings, rings and dolls!). Only today (March 8) with coupon code 8MAREC!

Go to:
- Etsy shop
- DaWanda shop
or write to 

Praznuj ga z 8-odstotnim popustom na vse izdelke KooKooCraft (uhane, prstane in punčke). Dobiš ga s kodo 8MAREC.

Velja na
in za naročila prek

Friday, 14 December 2012

In the ZOO no. 2 (animal rings)

I can't say no to making funky animal rings. Can you so no to them?

Nikakor se ne morem upreti ustvarjanju odbitih živalskih prstanov. Se jim ti lahko upreš?

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Green cow ring

Prstan z zeleno kravo

Today is a special day and you just got an awesome superpower. It is called superstrength! From now on you can hold up a whole cow on only one finger! Isn't this cool?

Danes je posebni dan, ko sti je podeljena posebna supermoč. Dobesedno – od danes naprej lahko na samo enem prstu dvigneš kar celo kravo. Kul, kajne?

You can get it here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)
- DaWanda shop

Monday, 24 September 2012

New in my shop - handmade fabric rings

Novo v moji trgovini - ročno izdelani prstani, oblečeni v blago.

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)
- DaWanda shop

Monday, 23 July 2012

Girls, girls, girls... big earrings. These ones are 1 1/8  inch (2,9 cm) big.

Dekleta ljubijo velike uhane. Ti so veliki kar 2,9 cm.

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)
- DaWanda shop

Monday, 16 July 2012

In the zoo

V živalskem vrtu

Check out my new, really wild earrings :)

Get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)

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