Showing posts with label brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brown. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 November 2013

End of fall

Konec jeseni

...brings more fruits of my work.

... prinaša še nekaj sadov mojega dela.

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Wanna be a pilot?

Amelia is the class champion in the construction of really far-flying paper planes. No one can make his plane fly as far as she can. She often lifts her gaze to the sky and daydreams of becoming a pilot. She adores everything that flies: birds, bats, even the insects don't bother her.

You can adopt her here.

Amelia je razredna prvakinja v izdelovanju najdlje letečih papirnatih letal. Prav nihče ne more svojega aviončka spustiti dlje. Sanja, da bo nekoč postala pilotka, zato svoje oči stalno obrača v nebo. Navdušuje se nad prav vsem, kar leta: pticami, netopirji, celo mrčes je nič ne moti.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Reduce, reuse, recycle = earrings

I made these stud earrings according to "reduce reuse recycle" spirit, since they are all made of leftover fabric. How do you like them?

Available here.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Gaia, goddess art doll

Gaia (or Gaea or Gea) is the primal Greek goddess personifying the Earth, the Greek version of Mother Nature or the Earth Mother. I made her as a symbol of symbiosis of man and the nature and the way of environmentaly responsible way of life in which we should all live.

I dressed this handmade doll in beautiful crocheted dress in blue which represents the sky and in brown which represents the earth.

You can arrange her visit here

Gaja grška boginja, ki pooseblja samo Zemljo, je mati narava. Predstavlja simbiozo človeka in narave ter način okolju prijaznega življenja, ki bi ga morali živeti prav vsi. Oblekla sem jo v modro barvo, ki simbolizira nebo, in rjavo, ki odraža zemljo.

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