Showing posts with label animal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal. Show all posts

Friday, 14 December 2012

In the ZOO no. 2 (animal rings)

I can't say no to making funky animal rings. Can you so no to them?

Nikakor se ne morem upreti ustvarjanju odbitih živalskih prstanov. Se jim ti lahko upreš?

You can get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Green cow ring

Prstan z zeleno kravo

Today is a special day and you just got an awesome superpower. It is called superstrength! From now on you can hold up a whole cow on only one finger! Isn't this cool?

Danes je posebni dan, ko sti je podeljena posebna supermoč. Dobesedno – od danes naprej lahko na samo enem prstu dvigneš kar celo kravo. Kul, kajne?

You can get it here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)
- DaWanda shop

Monday, 16 July 2012

In the zoo

V živalskem vrtu

Check out my new, really wild earrings :)

Get them here/Na voljo tu:
- KooKooCraft (at)

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Animal planet

You can get these earrings in my shop. They are 5/8 inch (approximately 1,6 cm) big and very light. The earrings posts are made of surgical stainless steel.
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