Showing posts with label BM-308. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BM-308. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Pink lemonade

Today I'll show you an easy stamping nail art. I started with two coats of Avon - Iceberg White on all nails and then stamped the lemons design from Bundle Monster's BM-308 with Sinful Colors - Cream Pink. I didn't transfer the design on the nail right away, but took a thin brush and Rimmel - Daisy Days and filled in the lemons. After it had dried, I applied clear top coat over the image on the stamper so as I can remove it easily and this way I created a home made decal. I applied the decals on the nails and finished with clear top coat. 
What do you think?

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Friday, 24 May 2013

Avon Haul & Orange manicure

Astazi va voi arata noile mele lacuri de unghii de la Avon. Alaturi de acestea o sa va prezint si sapunul cu scrub pentru calcaie, care a aparut in brosura trecuta. L-am incercat deja si mi-a placut foarte mult textura lui. Patriculele sale sunt fine si indeparteaza bine pielea moarta. Pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile si ofertele lor, dati like paginii Avon Space Romania.

Today I'll show you my new nail polishes from Avon. Together with these, I'll show you the new scrub soap for heels, which has just appeared. I tried it already and I really liked its texture. Its soft particles removed pretty well the dead skin on my feet. 
1. Mandarin Magic; 2.Well being; 3. Pink Pearl; 4. Prompt and Pearly
1. Noir emerald; 2, Sea Breeze; 3. Inspire; 4. Plum Seduction

Prima data va voi arata preferata mea dintre toate - Mandarin Magic. Am aplicat doua straturi, care s-au uscat foarte repede. Ce imi place cel mai mult sunt particulele aurii din portocaliul intens. Dupa parerea mea, aceasta nuanta merge foarte bine vara si presimt ca o voi purta mult pe unghii.

Firstly, I'll show you my favourite shade from all  - Mandarin Magic. I applied two coats, which dried very fast. What I like the most are the gold particles in the intense orange. In my opinion, this shade is perfect for summer and I feel that I'll wear it a lot on my nails.

Pentru acest model am folosit placuta BM-308 de la Bundle Monster si o oja neagra. Am terminat cu un top coat transparent. Ce parere aveti?

For this design, I used BM-308 image plate from Bundle Monster and black nail polish. I finished with clear top coat. What do you think?

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Lemons and Limes manicure

Today I'll show you my delicious manicure. I started with two coats of China Glaze -Lemon Fizz (I got it from Beauty In The Bottle). Then I stamped the fruity design from Bundle Monster's BM-308 image plate using Konad -Special Green. I finished with a clear top coat. What do you think?

Do you remember my old fruity manicures? 
Just click on each of the pictures below to go to the posts.
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