Showing posts with label m10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label m10. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Life has gone to the dogs!

Fellow Konaddicts,
It has been so long since I have logged on, I almost forgot my id and pass word!  Afetr an email I recieved from Evil Angel about an unrelated topic...I finally motivated myself to cut through the "stuff" and just get to it!
I have many excuses/reasons why I have been away....none as darling as what will follow and what inspired this Konadicure.
 Meet Fergus & Valen"Tino"

Alex, My Oldest Daughter had a pretty sever and unexplained dog phobia (thats how we could best descibe it.)  For 2 years I have tried to help her get over this fear in many ways including viting neighborhood dogs, frequent trips to PetSmart, weekly dog books from the name it-for 2years!  Well, her anxiety grew, and spread to cats, and bunnies.  We were not typically "dog" people.  I joked that I didn't want more poop and hair to clean up after than the two girls I already had! But, it became clear that "full immersion", so to speak, was the only way to cure her.  Well, it worked! For the last 2 months Alex has grown so confident and secure around Fergus AND EVEN OTHER DOGS! BIG DOGS!  Fergus is her hero!  An impulse buy this weekend led us to another Mini Schnauzer.  Charlie (my youngest daughter) wanted him so bad, & I loved his demeanor...thought Cesar Milan would approve of him.  So, now we have two- and they entertain not just us, but each other as well!
On to the konadicure....
I was trying to copy Fergus's parti coat with the patches.

Here are the supplies you'll need:
Konad Special polishes in black, light gray, and brown, Konad image plates m61 & m10, stamper scraper, white polish for your tips..any brand, and a top coat.  I used Konad, but you can use what ever you prefer.
and here are the steps:
Here is a closer look and more detailed instructions on how to create the color blend on the patches I did.
1) polish dots of color OFF TO THE SIDE of the image
2) use a toothpic or dotting tool to swirl the colors to get a little blend
3) crape, you will see how the color graduates and is blended in some parts.

Thanks for taking the time to read this LONG OVERDUE post.
As promised (in an email)....later today I will post a SPECIAL on how t odouble your existing images collection....FREE. will revolutionize your koand kits!  So, stay tuned!  

Crystal Caviar Cuticles

Working with Caviar beads is a little challenging.  You need enough gel under them to help them stick, but not so much that they drown and ...