Hi everybody! Sorry it's been so long since I last posted...SO MUCH has been going on!!! First, we've just been SO, SO busy in the studio!!! Then we had computer problems that just went on and on......and ON!!! Then we had to move out of the first floor of our house so that they could refinish the hardwood floors..........NEW floor??? you say????.....yes...not a happy thing! Where'd we move TO???? Our camp trailer in our driveway...not awful, but NOT HOME!!! We can move back in next Tuesday or Wednesday and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
We'll be traveling to Arlington, WA this weekend and I'll be at the Quiltmaker's Shop for two workshops.... I can't WAIT!!! It's going to be so much fun! I just hope I remember to take the time to take some pictures so you can see what we're doing! It's so beautiful over there too... I'll try to get some photos of the scenery in gorgeous northwestern Washington!
Anyway, I have to share these photos of quilts and projects made by YOU!!!! These first two were made by Joyce Strack of Missoula, MT. Her Twas the Night Before Christmas won a 2nd place in the Holiday category and the Snowmen A to Zzzz below, won a 1st place ribbon!! They're gorgeous Joyce!!!! No wonder they won ribbons!

The next few photos were sent in by our good friend, Shellee "Hiccup Girl" !! She made "Susan's Dresden Garden" and it's just beautiful!!! She appliqued the centers on the dresdens rather than making yo-yo's and....

she raided her mom's button bin and found flower shaped buttons for the centers of her mini dresden flowers in the center block...(wish I'd had those buttons when I made MINE!!!)

Beautiful Shellee!!! Thanks for sending these to us!

The next projects were sent in by Sandy Holton of Spokane, WA. She's VERY prolific!!

Sandy's done the Vintage Postcard as a larger pillow and used what looks like different floss than the variegated ones we used. I love seeing everyone's imaginations coming through in their projects!!! She also made the Nesting Time stitchery below with such a pretty floral fabric!

Sandy also sent in this photo of her "Fondest Regards" quilt. I wish the picture was a little brighter... I know all the detail is beautiful! Thanks for sending them in Sandy!!!

OH!!! I almost forgot!!! Sheila is working on getting our new Facebook page all put together! She's just getting started with it, but we'll be adding more and more stuff every day. I don't really understand fully what the "workings" of a facebook page are (cuz I'm OLD!!!) but Sheila will get it all up and running!!!
Meanwhile, we just got an order of beads and stuff in and Cindy will be putting together new Scissor Charms and other fun stuff, next week! Then Kathi will get them up on the website ASAP!!!
Last, but not least...there are two new patterns being worked on RIGHT NOW that will be released next month! They're both small projects.........one of them is 3 different images-each a vintage style needle package front or button card....BIG of course!!!LOL!!! The second one is a hanging heart that I'm MADLY in love with!!! I'll take pictures when we get back next week and I'll give you a sneak peek in the next post!
Gotta go make dinner in my mini kitchen in the camp trailer........................do you feel sorry for me?????? Good..........I need it....geez!!! Wait almost a year...move in...move out....move in....HOLY MOLY!!!!.......................................sniff!..................... I'm wearing my most pathetic face.....maybe we'll go out to eat? Anybody feel sorry enough for me to come help us move back in next week?????
xoxox Meg