Showing posts with label Button Mold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Button Mold. Show all posts

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Polymer Clay Buttons to Beads

I'm still slogging around in my basement. The cleaning is slow moving as I keep finding things that distract me. My latest find was a box of large coat buttons, many with attractive designs.

Click on the photos for a closer look.

I like the pattern on this button, it is simple but very attractive. I was running scrap clay through the pasta machine and liked the copper look so I used it to make a couple tiles.

This large coat button has lots of texture so I used it to make the hollow pendant.

In between playing with clay, cleaning the basement (actually I'm making a big mess down there) and doing a little yard work I made a few wire doodads.
I made a necklace using one of the "copper" tiles and the blue wire doodad strung on dark blue waxed cotton cord. I have dozens of large buttons with fun designs, good thing I saved them, right?