Showing posts with label bead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bead. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mini Book with Skewer Binding

I've been thinking a lot about hand-made books for the last few weeks. I found a great book on them at my library a few weeks ago, and you might say that began my complete fascination with them!  I made a mini a few weeks ago that was so simple.  This skewer binding book is a little more complicated but not so bad--especially when you happen to have a fantastic blog in your reader whose author just so happened to post a tutorial via Ustream video  yesterday!!! It was made from Handmade Decorative Books!  Sarah's work is so great! She makes the best shabby chic stuff and is just an all around nice lady. I love listening to her voice in the video!  If you go visit her, please let her know that Kelly Massman sent you over!  Needless to say, Sarah's books are much prettier than mine, but I had so much fun making mine that I will probably make more!!!

Thanks for visiting! I hope you are having a great weekend!  If you have time, please leave me a comment--I'd be thrilled! I'm a little behind in blog commenting myself, but I'll get there soon!!! :-)
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