Friday, April 27, 2012

Why Fyrinnae doesn't offer eye shadow samples.

A few years ago, perhaps seven, we first started offering samples. They were about 1/8 of a teaspoon in *gasp* in little zip-close bags. Which I refuse to call "baggies", as that is the brand name of a sandwich-type bag that has no closure. Anyway, after a while, maybe in 2006, I changed to small clear polystyrene jars. The samples for most products were 1/4 teaspoon, which was, and still is, the average size allotted for samples with small independent cosmetic companies. Products like foundation and finishing powders got more per jar, since one uses more per application than an eye shadow or whatnot. These were first $1.25 to $1.50 then $1.50 to $1.75 when I had to increase product prices slightly once.

A couple years later, The perfectly-sized scoops we used were altered by the manufacturer, and ended up being slightly larger (of course we could have used others, but this ended up working out better). To compensate, I just increased the size allotted per product to 1/3 teaspoon - except for the Arcane line because of the ingredient and price difference, increased the price a little (to $2 for shadows), and stopped calling what was clearly a large amount of product a "sample" and changed it to "Mini". Face products are still samples, as you need more and won't get 15-20 uses out of a tiny jar, but by now you all know that a Mini jar of shadow is no sample, and it can last weeks, even months. A sample of product should allow the consumer to try the product at least once, ideally 2-4+ times, but isn't meant to be a substitute for the retail size(s). So, for the past few years, our 1/3tsp Mini size is the small eye shadow you can buy without risking a large purchase, and yet still have plenty to last for many uses. The blush is somewhat in between; there's about 1/3tsp in each sample jar, and that should last for a few applications, but depends on how much you use (and blush application isn't as precise as eye makeup). Most of the time, we err on the side of caution and give a little more than 1/3tsp of product. Primers and finishing powders come close to filling the jar.

Have I bored you all yet?

We're looking forward to bringing out a few new things next week, if all goes well. I'll see how things are after this weekend, but at least the pace has finally slowed down a tad.  All orders through the 22nd were sent off this morning, and just a few remain from 4/23.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thank you!

Only four new shadows, and this has been our "biggest" release so far. Bigger and busier, somehow, than when we released the Halloween 2011 collection. The past  four days have been more hectic, in a good way, than any other time I can recall, in all the years past. Thank you. We're getting the last several purchases from 4/13 & 4/14 sent out tomorrow and Thursday. The difference in label text is driving me completely mad, but the "old" style labels couldn't just be pulled from products. Hopefully you'll hate it less than I do. Label styles are the same, but the font differs. In a few days everything with the old style will be gone, so future orders won't have a mix.

Yes, there are more upcoming, but I can't say exactly when. Two weeks maybe. More bright colors with absurd names.
Reviews were reinstated yesterday, but had been off the site for over a year (so there's a big date gap).

Friday, April 13, 2012

There. All done. I hope.

Got some of the new shades up this morning and everything looks good. This is much more suited to the company image (which, if you know me, you probably wondered for a while why I had scrolly fluff and stars. I hated that header). Unfortunately, no matter what we did with js overrides, the text shadowing would not work in IE. Got it to work on regular text but not link hovering. So yes, the store looks best in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome as far as I know, but is a little more mundane in Internet Explorer. The server seems a tad slow today, too.

Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's a layout or functionality problem.  <3