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Showing posts with the label Holiday Nails

One Got Missed!

I was going through old blog posts yesterday and discovered that a blog post GOT MISSED!!! I never posted it. It's been sitting as a "draft" all month! Geez! And this was an important post too! A while ago, Kathleen over at OC Nail Art (and one of my awesome and stupendous sponsors) sent me the Coraline Nail Art set. Being the freak that I am for Halloween I ripped that sucker open and started playing with it IMMEDIATELY! For those who do not know, Coraline is a Tim Burton movie and Tim Burton is a master of the macabre, so since the movie is animated (older children could enjoy, not so much for the younger ones).... OF COURSE there are the most fabulous Halloween images and OF COURSE they appear in BOTH Coraline nail art sets. Being a lover of Halloween, you can imagine my excitement to receive this Coraline set. Thank you so much Kathleen! And thank you for donating a set to give away. If anyone out there hasn't had a chance to enter My Favorite Things Birthday Give...

Nail Aid's Ultra Rapid Growth

**** Be sure to enter my Favorite Things Birthday Give Away by clicking: HERE ! Huh! So, I had to remove the nail polish that I was wearing yesterday to apply the Nail Aid Ultra Rapid Growth to test, and since the directions say that you can apply one coat followed by color.... OF COURSE I had to do another Konadacure!!! And since I won't be wearing this longer than 3 days (also per directions), I thought it would be fun to do a Halloween theme.... you all KNOW how much I ADORE Halloween (in April???)!!! And these are super fun. So here's how: 1 basecoat of Nail Aid's New Ultra Rapid Growth (available at your local Walmart VERY soon) 2 coats of Orly's Mirror Mirror Konad for the web is found on IP S6 and done with Konad's White Special Polish Konad for the spider is found on IP M1 and done with Konad's Black Special Polish 1 topcoat of Nail Aid's New Ultra Rapid Growth This is the FIRST time that I've ever used this product. So far I LOVE it. Now I...

Happy Easter

So I'm reading Breaking Dawn on the Kindle (love it***) that I got for my birthday and AS ALWAYS when reading the Bella-Edward-Jacob saga, I feel compelled to dip into the black nail polish. Seriously... I have such a goth girl inside underneath all those freckles and pink skin!!! But I don't want to just pull a full-on black mani with it being Easter and all, so I "spring'd" it up with a GORGEOUS dusty pink chrome by Creative called Strawberry Smoothie. I think I was able to "bunny" this one up quite nicely in spite of the black!!! So, HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!! I used the Northern Lights glitter topcoat to give this one even more of a festive sparkle for the holiday and of course, nothing shows off it's awesomeness like a blurry action shot! Check it out (click on the picture to enlarge it... trust me, the enlarged picture RAWKS!). The black was done with Konad's special polish with image plates M71 and M19. *** And yes, I had a little drama wit...

Easter Leopard

Awe! Thanx for the inspiration BabyD... this GORGEOUS Konadicure rocks! I just LOVE that For Audrey polish from China Glaze and I would have NEVER thought of using the leopard image with those color combinations. This turned out WONDERFUL!!! So, the base coat is For Audrey (of course) and the yellow color is China Glaze's Lemon Fizz (on the thumb). The yellow of the remaining digits is Konad's special polish in yellow and the black is also Konad's special stamping polish. This really is a sweet manicure just in time for Easter. I bet this would also look AMAZING with lavender and the Psyche Pink Konad special polish! Oh, wow... I'm going to be giving THAT combo a try before Easter gets here as well. That one will be AWESOME!!! To check out BabyD's wonderful Konadicure... here's the link: Polish And Powder *** Don't forget!!! Tomorrow's the last day to enter the Alice In Wonderland polish give-away!!! Check out the announcement here: Calling All Lacquer H...

Luck o' The Irish

These are my 2010 St. Patty's nails. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that holographic green of China Glaze's L8R G8R. I topped it with a simple Konad Celtic-ish image from image plate M80 in Konad's special green polish. This turned out GORGEOUS! Can you believe that I found this China Glaze halo for $3.50 last year... now THAT'S lucky! It's kinda fitting to be using it on a day like today! :)
With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner (March 17th), I thought I'd share a little mani and a little story to inspire everyone. Check out "items used" at the end of this post for stuff to do this "Konadicure". But first the story.... So where the heck does this shamrock business and wearin green come from for St. Patrick's Day? Well, this is what has to say: During the St. Patrick's Day season, shamrocks are everywhere from storefront displays to classroom bulletin boards. Even people's lapels sport the green three leaf clover. As the unofficial state flower of Ireland, the shamrock is the most prolific symbol of the Irish holiday. Legend teaches that the first shamrock was a sacred plant discovered by the Druids of Ireland. These Celtic pagans revered the shamrock for its triad leaf formation, as three was a mystical number in their religion. In the 5th century, Saint Patrick is said to have used the shamrock to teach the do...

Final Day... Sad Day!!!

Welp... my 30% discount for Konad REUSABLE nail art at OC Nail Art is ending today. This was NOT Kathleen's doing, her store at OC Nail Art is phenomenal!!!! Her shipping is super quick and customer service ROCKS!!! Plus she ALWAYS appreciates the talent of her wonderful customers (check out my nails being featured HERE ). Nope, this is Konad's doing. They have mandated that all authorized dealers discontinue ALL discounts effective immediately. So with today being the final day to use my wonderful, excellent and cool (I will miss you my friend) 30% discount, I thought I would share my MUST-HAVE Konad image plates. These are the plates that I absolutely adore for their versatility. Remember, until midnight tonight, 30% off using discount code 'MENTAL' at . Don't forget the free shipping in the US for all orders over $20. Konad Image Plate M3 - I love this one because it has smaller images and the plate can be used year round. It's also gre...

Craft Project Using Nail Art???

This special gift took minutes to make and is a wonderful presentation for any special person on your gift list. The glass bowl, the cellophane, the ribbon and even the candy came from the dollar store. I simply spent 10 minutes stamping the side of the bowl with these precious candy canes. You can find these candy canes at THIS Konad nail art stamping retailer on image plate M12 (the Christmas plate). I could have done these in red or gold... even green. That's the beauty of using this nail art stamp on your nails.... you can change things up over and over. Heck, that's the beauty of using this nail art stamping set on ANYTHING!!!! So now, not only can you use the Konad nail stamping for your nails, but you can also use it for your craft projects too.... those mini details add the perfect touch to so many projects (click on the pic on the right to enlarge see the detail)! For more information on the different types of nail art kits that are available (my recommendations and p...

Gift Idea at 30% Off!!!

I went to OC Nail Art yesterday to place an order. It donned on me that with Christmas coming up, there are going to be a lot of people in search of the perfect stocking stuffer. Last year my gift giving idea was to personalize... well, anything... for that special someone with embroidery from Artic Fox Designs . I had my Bible cover embroidered and it was AMAZING... you can check it out HERE . This year my gift idea is (you'll never guess) REUSABLE NAIL ART KITS! Now before I go plugging this WONDERFUL product, I just want to say that Konad, the maker of these awesome kits , does not pay me. The retailer OC Nail Art does not pay me either, but for now there is a 30% discount to anyone and everyone who uses the discount code " MENTAL " at checkout, so really YOU ALL are getting paid for my blog post today.... hahahahahahahha! Right now might be a great time to pick up a nail art kit or two for a special someone. Ok, now the plug... just cuz I love them! Note: the prices t...


Ok, so while I was on the Master Cleanse I stayed away from my lotions and potions for my nails (chemicals) and THIS is what happened. Horrible cuticles and super short/broken nails because they were bare.... it was ONLY two months!!! Luckily Halloween has inspired my lovely fettish once again! Hello Luva! This is Nail-Aid's Pink Natural Growth Therapy base coat with OPI's Tangerine Scene (2 coats), Konad Special polish in black with tiger image from disc M57 and a Seche Vite topcoat. While my nails are in bad shape right now... they look so much better WITH a Konadicure than without! :) Here's a little black/orange Halloween bonus (cuz I'm all about the Halloween!): Same polish combos done with Konad Halloween image disc M13. Sweet!

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July to all of my American readers!!! Well, I don't have anything planned for this holiday weekend other than hanging out at home and bbq-ing if the weather permits. I can always see the wonderful fireworks from my front yard, although I'm thinking (a little too late) that a block party might have been a ton of fun. Oh well! I am excited to share some fun Fourth of July Konad nail art designs with you. I also wanted to feature the GORGEOUS holiday nail art of my new friend Vanessa over at Casual Lavish ! If you haven't seen her blog yet, you DON'T want to miss it. Her tutorials on nail stamping rock! What am I saying!?! Her entire beauty blog rocks! LOL! I wanna be like her when I grow up. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday weekend! *** Konad plate for picture on the left is M45 and the pic on the right is M44. In the left pic I used a peach tinted clear for a base and on the the right a pink tinted clear. Both konadicures were done with China...

A New Obsession

Well, after years of having my nails done by a professional, my finances dictate that I need to care for my own nails (that is, no more fake nails!). At first I thought this was HORRIBLE! I had my standing nail appointment for years. Prior to having them done professionally I bit them. No, I mean I really bit them... like as far back as I can remember having teeth, I remember biting my nails. So imagine my predicament . I have never taken care of my own nails and, in the past, if my real nails were exposed for any amount of time they were gnawed off. But I did it! I have been polishing and caring for my own nails now for about 7 months and I'm loving it. In fact, it's a new obsession (still second to sunglasses)! I read someones blog that stated the best way to keep from biting your nails is to care for them. I am here to tell you, after 25+ years of biting my nails, that statement is true! So after breaking three nails and reading that "vampie" colors look great o...