For a long time I've thought about getting a floor stand Ott lamp with a magnifier. So after this recent episode of the daily brain attacks,not to even get into the problem that I'm always too hot and sweat my head off trying to work at nite under my 150 watt floor lamp,I decided it was time for an Ott. They were 50% off at Joann's and Sunday was the last day of the sale (NOT since a new email from them). Anyhoo we thought we'd go get one Sunday. Well I didn't feel up to going so John said he'd go. Well I always try to do everything I can to make things easier for him. I called Joann's explained that he's on oxygen and would need some help. I gave her the item number,price and sale price. She said they had 3. I told her that I also need a 1 lb. bag of fiberfill and 1 pkg. of white pipe cleaners and 1 pkg. of red. She told me that they were busy. I said well he's on his way and it's only 3 things. They'd have to help him anyway once he got there and isn't that part of the job,to help customers??? She said the items would be at the cutting table. GREAT!!! But when he got there they weren't there. I had given John a list with all the info on it and he said she took her own list to get and went to get the stuff. So when he came home I looked in the bag and there's the largest size of quilt batting NOT fiberfill. I said well this has to go back. So at half time of the Browns game he put my lamp together. I looked at it and said where's my magnifier???? YUP it was the wrong lamp!!! Wish I would have seen the item number on the box BEFORE he put it together. Not the right number I gave her so not the right lamp. I did get the right pipe cleaners though,YEAH!!! I called the manager of Joann's she said she would put my name on the right lamp. So John went back yesterday,MONDAY and got the right lamp!!! He put it together last nite and put it by my chair and I plugged it in. YEAH I can hook without sweating my head off!!!!! I flipped the switch and NO light!! Tried a few times and no luck. I went to take a shower while John checked it out. Well he said that the wires are broken inside. So as I type this he's getting ready to go to Joanns for the 3rd time!!!
I'll let ya know if I actually end up with an Ott lamp or if it's gonna be stuck where the sun don't shine!!!!!
This is a bigger "Everyday Angel" and the next time you see her here you won't recognize her. I've got an idea!!!!! The gingerbread boys?? I'll fix them up somehow. Now for the next things that need to be finished. I am so NOT good at doing this blog that I'm betting my pictures are all out of order. But I'm not starting over so if they're mixed up,I'm Sorry and if they're not YEAH FOR ME!!!!!!
These items are on ebay right now along with the last gingerbread doll I've hooked.It's a girl!!