These stitcheries are what I worked on last week. With the longer and longer naps everyday it seems to take me forever to get things done.
So last saturday and sunday I worked on finishing these,with big plans of listing them on ebay Sunday nite. DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!!! You would have thought I was new to this stitching and aging thing, not that I've done it since the early 80's and that I even had my own little cross stitch and needlepoint shop. I even taught many many classes on these hand arts.
All my aging was coming out really bad!!!! Colors of previous washed fabrics were running onto the stitchery. A MESS,so disappointing.
BUT being determined as I am, I was NOT going to give up!!!! Well I did have a thought of throwing the red flower one out. It was just a fleeting moment though!!! So I took it apart and redid it.
I still have another sampler that's all stitched,but I can't decide how I want to finish it. I did it on vintage linen so I don't know what the count is and I SURE wasn't gonna count the threads to find out!!! Especially with these old eyes!!!! But it ended up too big for a pinkeep.
I'm workin' on another stitchery right now. It's a pattern of my buddy Lori Brechlin, Mary Black's shoe pinkeep. Wonder if I'll finish it.
I feel that I've kinda lost my mojo after all these decades of making and selling my work. I used to make tons of all kinds of dolls. I still want to,but I just don't seem to have it in me right now.
It's just easiest for me to sit in my chair and work on things,but then ya need to get up and do all that finishing work. That's the part that I just don't seem to be up to doing anymore, but I'm trying,pitifully but trying. Long term pain and narcotics sure do wear ya down.
So anyhoo those 3 little pinkeeps are listed on ebay right now if you'd like to take a closer look THANK YOU!!!!
Sherry aka:The Queen.....OUT