A week ago yesterday,September 19th,I had THE best day that I've had in a long long time!!!! I got to go to the Spirit of Friends show at Mallabar Farm!!!
John drove me to Ashland where my buddy Julie,Plumrun Creek picked me up and we were on our way.
First Julie took me to Katie's house. She was havin' a wool sale!!! Oh my and what a sale it was!!!!! When I saw all the wool she had,I stopped for a second and asked Julie,"am I dead and in wool heaven?" It was FANTASTIC and Katie is just the sweetest!! I REALLY enjoyed talking to her. After being there for over an hour,we were off to the craft show!!!!!
First stop,my friend Bobbie's booth,Union Star Primitives. GREAT stuff in Bobbie's booth!!!! Bobbie didn't know I was coming,so she was very surprised to see me.
Bobbie's booth was also the set meeting place for other friends from our ebay group PRHG.
The 1st one I recognized was Zoe,my buddy Lori Rippey's 4 legged little girl!!!! Then I saw Lori and one by one all the others!!!!! Lori and I talk all the time on the phone and we both never ever thought we get the chance to be together in person!!
My head was whirling!!!!! I wanted to talk to all the friends AND look at everything!!! The day went way to fast!!!! I kept thanking Julie for making it possible for me to be there and John too!!!!
I was STILL on a high all day Sunday!!!!! This was what my life used to be!!!!!
Then it was Monday and I came down from my Happy High with a THUD.
Also that day my buddy,Lori Brechlin was having her show at her place,Notforgotten Farm. I really wanted to go and do her show. At 1st in July when I asked John about going,he said yeah,we could do that. Then it was,well duh we can't go there. Since he's on oxygen 24/7 there was no way that we could have enough tanks to get him through for a few days. I was sad about that,but so happy that Lori's show was very successful too!!!! I know how hard she worked for it.
If you were at the Spirit of Friends show,I was the one toolin' around on the blue Zoom Zoom with Nervous Nellies, Julie & Lori R. constantly saying,"Look Out" LOL!!!!!
When I was washing some of the wool from Katie,one of the colors screamed pumpkin to me. Not your usual pumpkin color, but the rug looks so olde and early that I'd keep it out all year round. All the wool I used for this rug was from the stash I got at Katie's sale. I listed it on ebay last nite,if you'd like to take a look.
Well gotta get to work. I have more things to finish and get listed on ebay today.
Till Next time