By this rug for the last several days,but I was released yesterday,FINALLY!!!!!
Ya see it all started this way. I finished a really cool needle punch doll ( NO she's not sewn together yet)and I thought,well now what. Ya see I ALWAYS have to have something on the hooking or punching frames,cause the majority of my time is best spent sitting in my chair with my legs on the ottoman,so my body says.
So anyhoo I looked over at a pile of wool worms (one of several) and thought, that's it, I'll do some sort of Hit or Miss rug,my favorite way to hook.
So I put the linen on the frame,surrounded myself with 4 boxes of worms and started hooking!!!!!! Well the worms wouldn't let me stop for several days!!!! I hooked and I hooked and every morning it would seem like there were MORE worms in the boxes instead of less.
They multiply while you're sleeping ya know!!!!!
So yesterday I FINALLY finished it and gave it a little bath of walnut dye to antiquey it up more. Sure I was about an hour behind my lunch & naptime schedule,but it was worth it beacuse it was done and the wild worms released me from hostage!!!!
I even got it listed on eBay last nite!!!!!
Well there's tons of stuff to do finish work on,but I'm hearing whispers of hooked pumpkins right now. Hope I can get some finishing work done before the whispers turn to yellings and hooked pumpkins take me hostage!!!!!