Well John is cooking our turkey dinner today,while I work on things for eBay & my Poppy Shoppe. Up till the last 2 years,I've done all the cooking for everybody. There won't be my homemade stuffing,but at least he knows from me how to doctor up the turkey Stove Top stuffing,so it'll be ok.
Boy there's something about the smell of that turkey cooking,that just makes you feel like you're STARVING!!!!!!
I'd like to ask you to please go to my friend Ginger's blog & sign up for her Pay It Forward give away. You can get there by scrolling down on the right side here & click on Primitives By The Light of The Moon.
Ginger is over the top generous with this giveaway. I sure hope to win,cause my favorite part of all the items she's giving is a $20 gift card to spend on someone else in need. THAT'S why I want to win it so much!!!! I'm not able to do that now & it sue will make me happy if I can. Maybe I'd use it to buy some things for an older child,who really doesn't want toys,but would love some special personal items. Then those things could be given to The Salvation Army Collection.
Anyhoo,I hope you'll take a minute to go & sign up for this special giveaway!!!!!
Thank You & Many Blessing To You & Yours on this Thanksgiving Day!!!!!!
Sherry aka:The Queen