THE Bestest time of the year!!!!! We had our 1st frost & now I'm back in shorts with all the windows open & it's NOT hot!!!!
I STILL have so many Halloween & Fall things that I want to finishing making!!!! It's ALWAYS been this way for me!!! I have a hard time transitioning into making Christmas items. Not that I don't have some ideas,hells bells I ALWAYS have ideas. The problem IS the energy to make these ideas!!!
I just listed a really cool hooked Jack wreath on eBay before my nap. Now that I'm up I've got THE cutest little handstitched jols that I think I'll make into a swag. Been trying to get them finished. Hope today is the day!!!! I'm really enjoying completely handstitching these different items & using vintage tatting thread & vintage buttons & pieces of antique quilts to bring them to life. Just original little goodies that I hope others will enjoy too!!!!
Hope you enjoy the pictures & maybe click on the eBay button on the right to see my auctions. Thank You!!!!
Later!! Gotta try to get that little swag done now!!!!