Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Fairy Name

Your fairy is called Feather Hailglow
She is a protector of the lonely.
She lives in high places where the clouds meet the earth.
She is only seen in the light of a full moon.
She wears pale blue like the sky. She has cheery turquoise wings like a butterfly."">">Get your free fairy name here!

Monday, July 28, 2008

I finished punching this dolly Saturday nite. It's a pattern by PrimitiveBetty. But as always I have to do my own thing with her. Now will she go in my Lemon Poppyseed Shoppe or on ebay??? Or will she get finished soon???? Ya see I'm kinda a waste not want not person & I've got a lot of unfinished weavers cloth around the dolly,so I MUST punch more items before I finish her!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


This is a rug that I designed for a challenge that my friend Kelley came up with.
It sold on eBay last week. Felt a little sad when I packed it up. Sometimes there's things ya make that ya just want to keep!!!

NOT ME!!!!!!!!

NO NO NO!!!!!! I didn't want a blog!!!!!! So WHAT am I doing here?????? Even after saying repeatedly NOPE,not gonna do it, somehow I've done it. NOW WHAT!!!!!?????!!!!!!

Up until a little over 2 years ago the ONLY thing I knew about a computer was, which room of the house it was in!!!!!!!

OH YES!!!! I've come a LOOOONG way Baby!!!!! But I always say,that for as much as I know now, there's way more that I DON'T know!!!!!!

Being leader, co-leader & moderator of 3 different groups & member of a 4th, having a picturetrail & my LemonPoppySeedShoppe isn't enough I guess!!!!!! And now I'm going to blog????????? OH MY!!!!!!!

So tell me,WHEN do I make things with all these other things to do that keep me on the puter???? AND we won't even mention my daily nap time,that's at 3:00 everyday after I eat my lunch & watch As The World Turns !!!!!!! I do get a little thrown off on Saturday & Sunday though when my soapie isn't on. Again I say, OH MY!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!